Cover 366 Weird Movies 🐙

366 Weird Movies 🐙

"Celebrating the cinematically surreal, bizarre, cult, oddball, fantastique, strange, psychedelic, and the just plain WEIRD!"

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Ne vous retournez pas

Ne vous retournez pas (1973)

Don't Look Now

1 h 50 min. Sortie : 18 septembre 1974 (France). Drame, Thriller, Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Nicolas Roeg

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Don’t Look Now is subtly unnerving—perhaps toos ubtly—throughout. But the last 20 minutes are a truly unsettling, nightmarish experience, capped by a shocking, largely unexplained resolution that leaves it to the viewer to solve the film’s mystery. By the end, the city of Venice has turned into a strangely deserted, Gothic labyrinth that may haunt your nightmares.

Silent Hill

Silent Hill (2006)

2 h 05 min. Sortie : 26 avril 2006 (France). Fantastique, Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Christophe Gans

Neo-XP a mis 6/10.

Annotation :

WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Gans paints his murky canvas with the expected monstrosities from deep inside the id, but it’s the film’s disjointed storytelling that turns it from a mere visual romp through scary-town into something totally disconcerting and off-kilter.


RĂ©pulsion (1965)


1 h 45 min. Sortie : 7 janvier 1966 (France). Drame, Épouvante-Horreur, Thriller

Film de Roman Polanski

Neo-XP a mis 8/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Although there are several otherwordly, expressionistic dream sequences in the film, Polanski creates a terribly tense and claustrophobic atmosphere even before the nightmares come with odd camera angles and the strategic use of silence broken by invasive ambient noises. As Carole floats around her empty apartment, silent, alone, and ghostlike, ordinary objects and sounds take on an otherworldly quality. The effect is unlike any other.

Le Mort dans le filet

Le Mort dans le filet (1960)

Ein Toter hing im Netz

1 h 29 min. Sortie : 16 avril 1960 (Allemagne). Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Fritz Bottger

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Horrors of Spider Island takes place in an alternate universe that’s nothing like our own. The poor dubbing, including a mangled deep south accent, immediately takes us out of reality and makes suspension of disbelief impossible. The plot is thin as a wire, made to hang chauvinistic male fantasies on, and often seems to be improvised on the spur of the moment. Horrors of Spider Island already seems like a half-remembered bad dream, even as you’re still watching it.

Les Yeux sans visage

Les Yeux sans visage (1960)

1 h 28 min. Sortie : 2 mars 1960. Drame, Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Georges Franju

Neo-XP a mis 8/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: At least until the very final scene, Eyes Without a Face is not obviously weird at all–in fact, much of Franjou’s accomplishment is in making the fabulous, far-fetched story seems coldly clinical and real. But what gives the movie it’s staying power and makes it get under your skin is the strength of the simple images, particularly Christiane’s blank mask, which hides everything: both the horrors of her past, now written on her face in scar tissue, and her current motivations. The imagery seems to reach far beyond the confines of the story and speak to something deeper–but what? For this reason, the most common critical adjective used in conjunction with the film has been “poetic,” and the director Franjou is most often compared to is Jean Cocteau.

Je suis un cyborg

Je suis un cyborg (2006)

Ssaibogeujiman Gwaenchanha

1 h 45 min. Sortie : 12 décembre 2007 (France). Comédie dramatique, Romance, Fantastique

Film de Park Chan-Wook

Neo-XP a mis 6/10.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: The main characters—a woman who self-destructs because she believes herself to be a robot, and a kleptomaniac with a fondness for bunny rabbit masks—would, at the very least, qualify as quirky. Add elaborate hallucinatory sequences, including a massacre of the hospital doctors set to the rhythm of a gentle chamber waltz, and a flight to the Swiss Alps in the grasp of a giant ladybug accompanied by yodeling, and the movie becomes fantastic. But what makes it weird is that the director takes the principals’ delusions at emotional face value, never allowing reality to bully and overcome his madmen’s subjective worlds.

El Topo

El Topo (1970)

2 h 05 min. Sortie : 17 décembre 1975 (France). Western, Fantastique

Film de Alejandro Jodorowsky

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :

MUST SEE - Weirdest!

WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: In the first scene, a man clad in black carrying an umbrella rides through an endless desert waste. Behind him in the saddle is a male child, naked except for a cowboy hat. The man stops his horse by a lonely hitching post in the sand, ties the umbrella to the post, and hands the boy a teddy bear and a locket and a photograph. The man says, “Today you are seven years old. You are a man. Bury your first toy and your mother’s picture.” He pulls out a flute and plays while the naked child follows his instructions. What makes El Topo weird is that this is the most normal and comprehensible thing that happens the film.

Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko (2001)

1 h 53 min. Sortie : 30 janvier 2002 (France). Drame, Science-fiction

Film de Richard Kelly

Neo-XP a mis 8/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :

MUST SEE (Theatrical Cut) -or- RECOMMENDED (Director’s Cut)

WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Donnie Darko at first appears to be a dizzying collision of genres, themes and ideas. For the first few reels of the film, the audience can have no conception where the film is heading. The director drops clues through these opening segments that appear at the time to be simply bizarre, but spark numerous “a-ha!” moments later, when incidents that seemed like throwaway moments or coincidences at the first glance turn out to make a sort of sense. The identity of Frank, the demonic bunny, is the most thrillingly chilling such moment. Donnie Darko creates a sense of wonder and mystery throughout its running time, and sparks hope and faith in the watcher that all will be made clear before the curtain drops. It nests this expectancy inside a bed of genuine empathy for tormented Donnie and his colorful cast of supporting characters. But perhaps the weirdest thing about Donnie Darko is that it asks us to take its plot at face value; it works very hard to try to convince us that what appear on the surface to be the hallucinations of a paranoid schizophrenic teenager are, in fact, real occurrences with a metaphysical explanation.

Help, Help, the Globolinks!

Help, Help, the Globolinks! (2007)

1 h 11 min. Sortie : 27 février 2007 (Allemagne). Comédie musicale

Film de Gian Carlo Menotti

Annotation :

WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: A children’s opera about music-loathing aliens is already presumptively pretty weird. But when the opera is made in 1968, at the height of the psychedelic sixties, and utilizes all the camera tricks, distorted electronic noises, and bizarre set designs Summer of Love filmmakers developed in an attempt to mimic the disorienting effects of LSD, there’s no more need for the presumption–we’re definitely caught in a very weird nook of film.


Archangel (1990)

1 h 23 min. Sortie : 1990 (France). Comédie, Drame, Romance

Film de Guy Maddin

Neo-XP l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: The tale of an obsessive, grieving soldier who thinks he’s found the reincarnation of his lost love in a benighted Russian city where the citizens continue to fight a war that is over would be weird enough if told straight. Director Guy Maddin exaggerates the already dreamlike quality of this tale by clothing it in the archaic period dress of an early sound film, complete with intertitles describing the action, dubbed voices that are occasionally slightly out of sync, and casually disorienting jumps/glitches in the film. He pushes this inherently confusing story of terminally confused characters further into strange realms with deliberately surreal elements, such as women warriors going to the front dressed in elegant evening headwear, and even odder sights.

L'Échelle de Jacob

L'Échelle de Jacob (1990)

Jacob's Ladder

1 h 49 min. Sortie : 16 janvier 1991 (France). Drame, Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Adrian Lyne

Neo-XP a mis 8/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Like many psychological thrillers, Jacob’s Ladder strives to keep the audience disoriented and off-balance, wondering what is real and what is false. The movie achieves this effect wonderfully, but what gives it it’s cachet as a weird movie are two intense hallucination sequences: one at an horrifically orgiastic party intermittently lit by a strobe light, and one where the protagonist lies helpless on a hospital gurney as he’s wheeled down an increasingly bizarre and alarming hospital corridor. Both scenes are difficult to forget, equal parts creepy surrealism and visceral body-horror.

Tromeo and Juliet

Tromeo and Juliet (1996)

1 h 47 min. Sortie : 13 mai 1996. Action, Comédie, Drame

Film de Lloyd Kaufman

Annotation :

WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Redoing a classic Shakespearean tragedy as a low-budget, offensive farce is a promisingly weird, if obviously gimmicky, premise. Lloyd Kaufman and his Troma team were inspired by the concept, however, and put more creativity into the project than they did in their usual formula schlock fare. The typical Troma anarchy and bad taste reign again here, but the producers add a healthy dollop of bargain-basement surrealism (Juliet’s disturbing sex dreams) and some on-the-cheap arthouse effects (the lovemaking scene in a plexiglass box against a starry backdrop). The result is a movie that’s completely unpredictable, despite a plot known to every high schooler. Tromeo is revolting one moment, and oddly sweet and beautiful the next, an incongruity that only adds to the weird atmosphere.

Crazy Kung-Fu

Crazy Kung-Fu (2004)


1 h 47 min. Sortie : 8 juin 2005 (France). Comédie, Arts martiaux

Film de Stephen Chow et Wellson Chin

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Kung Fu Hustle begins with a brutal and atypically realistic gangland slaughter on the neon-washed streets of Shanghai, and to celebrate gaining control of the city, the Axe Gang breaks into a carefully choreographed Busby Berkeley style fox trot, waving their tomahawks in the air. From this moment, the viewer realizes that they are in the hands of a maestro for whom reality is almost infinitely malleable, and who’s willing to switch cinematic styles at the drop of a hatchet to produce the effect he needs. Chow’s direction drives the movie through numerous stylistic incarnations, from absurd visual comedy through a ballet of breathtakingly beautiful and unreal violence, while quoting everything from Wong Kar Wai to The Shining and The Untouchables to Warner Brothers’ “Looney Tunes,” yet never loses its grip on the story or alienates the viewer with its madcap diversions.

Blood Diner

Blood Diner (1987)

1 h 28 min. Sortie : 10 juillet 1987 (États-Unis). Épouvante-Horreur, ComĂ©die

Film de Jackie Kong

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Most movies featuring talking brains in a jar are weird, and Blood Diner is no exception.

Le Loup des steppes

Le Loup des steppes (1974)


1 h 47 min. Sortie : 18 décembre 1974. Drame

Film de Fred Haines

Annotation :

WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: The heavy symbolism and feverish imagery of Hesse’s masterpiece, written while Freud and Jung’s theories of the unconscious mind were still novel and revolutionary, present some weird scenarios (such as Harry entering into dream debates with the ghosts of Goethe and Mozart). When this material is adapted through a 1974 lens, an era when cinematographers hadn’t yet come down from the LSD-inspired visual experimentalism of the late 1960s, it becomes even weirder. From the Magic Theater sequence on, Steppenwolf is truly trippy stuff.

Le Carnaval des Ăąmes

Le Carnaval des Ăąmes (1962)

Carnival of Souls

1 h 24 min. Sortie : 26 septembre 1962 (États-Unis). Fantastique, Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Herk Harvey

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Carnival of Souls is set in the ordinary, everyday world, but as seen through the eyes of an alienated, frightened woman. The world the film depicts is familiar, but made maddeningly strange, and its the subtle, grubby touches rather than ghostly apparitions that allow this creepy low-budget wonder to seep deep under your skin.


Tideland (2006)

1 h 57 min. Sortie : 28 juin 2006 (France). Drame, Fantastique

Film de Terry Gilliam

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Gilliam has described the movie as a cross between “Alice in Wonderland” and Psycho, which sounds weird enough on its own terms. He pushes the envelope of weirdness even further with his trademark visual flair for phantasmagorical set pieces, for example, with a gloriously imaginative sequences of Jeliza-Rose falling down a rabbit hole full of tumbling syringes. But even if the audience wasn’t planted firmly inside the skull of the 9-year-old heroine, peering out onto this grotesque world through her child’s eyes, the scenario would have been weird, as the world of Tideland is peopled by grossly exaggerated lowlifes who live out their lives on the lonely fringes of plausibility.

Le Festin nu

Le Festin nu (1991)

Naked Lunch

1 h 55 min. Sortie : 11 mars 1992 (France). Drame, Expérimental, Fantastique

Film de David Cronenberg

Neo-XP a mis 6/10.

Annotation :

MUST SEE - Weirdest!

WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: It begins with an exterminator who does his rounds wearing a three piece suit and fedora. His philosophy is to “exterminate all rational thought.” His wife steals his insecticide and injects it into her breast to get high, and gets him hooked on the bug power, too. A pair of cops question him on suspicion of possessing dangerous narcotics, and leave him alone in the interrogation room with a huge talking “caseworker” bug who explains that his wife is an agent of Interzone, Incorporated, and is not even human. And this is just the setup, before the film turns really weird.

L'Enfant miroir

L'Enfant miroir (1990)

The Reflecting Skin

1 h 36 min. Sortie : 28 novembre 1990 (France). Drame, Épouvante-Horreur, Thriller

Film de Philip Ridley

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Nothing that happens in The Reflecting Skin is literally impossible. Much of the film’s bizarre effect comes from the characters, especially the weird widow Dolphin who is obsessed with decay and destruction and whose husband hanged himself after a week of marriage. Other characters who form the background of young Seth Dove’s weird world are his perpetually on the verge of tears, creatively abusive mother; a father who reeks of gasoline and hides a secret past; a drunken neighbor obsessed with his own sinful thoughts who dresses like a Puritan; the world’s unluckiest town sheriff, who has lost three body parts to animal attacks and who wears a slice of a colander for an eyepatch; and a hot-rod hearse full of juvenile delinquents that haunts the back roads of this Midwestern farm community. Altogether, it’s a such an odd concoction of unlikely ingredients, told in a straightforward dramatic manner, that might earn the label “improbable realism” (as well as “Midwestern Gothic”).


Gummo (1997)

1 h 29 min. Sortie : 9 juin 1999 (France). Drame, Comédie dramatique

Film de Harmony Korine

Neo-XP a mis 8/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :

WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Gummo looks a lot like what might result if someone took home movies from that embarrassing, welfare-addicted branch of the family no one likes to talk about and mixed them in a blender with the final project short films from the NYU Film School graduating class of ’97.

The Wicker Man

The Wicker Man (1973)

1 h 31 min. Sortie : 10 janvier 2007 (France). Drame, Thriller, Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Robin Hardy

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Hardy and Shaffer create an atmosphere like no other; it’s an encounter of civilized man with strange, primeval beliefs. Select scenes are subtly surreal—observe how the villagers break into an impossibly well-choreographed bawdy song about the innkeeper’s daughter preternaturally designed to discomfit their sexually repressed guest. Other weird incidents are more outrageously in the viewer’s face: the vision of a woman breastfeeding a child in a graveyard while delicately holding an egg in her outstretched hand. Almost invisible details such as the children’s lessons scribbled on the classroom blackboard (“the toadstone protects the newly born from the weird woman”) saturate the film and reveal how painstakingly its makers constructed a haunting alternate world of simultaneously fascinating and repulsive pagan beliefs. The rituals Sergeant Howie witnesses don’t always make sense (and when they do, their significance is repulsive to him), but they tap into a deep, buried vein of myth. The viewer himself undergoes a dread confrontation with Old Gods who are at the same time familiar and terrifyingly strange.


Eraserhead (1977)

1 h 29 min. Sortie : 17 dĂ©cembre 1980 (France). Épouvante-Horreur, Fantastique, ExpĂ©rimental

Film de David Lynch

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :

MUST SEE - Weirdest!

WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Eraserhead is probably the greatest recreation of a nightmare ever filmed, a marvelous and ambiguous mix of private and cosmic secrets torn from the subconscious. Or, as Lynch puts it, it’s “a dream of dark and disturbing things.”

Le Repaire du ver blanc

Le Repaire du ver blanc (1988)

The Lair of the White Worm

1 h 33 min. Sortie : 15 mars 1990 (France). Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Ken Russell

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Ken Russell throws a handful of his typically excessive hallucination/dream sequences into what is otherwise a subtle horror parody, creating a minor masterpiece of deliberate camp blooming with ridiculously memorable scenes.


Begotten (1990)

1 h 12 min. Sortie : 30 avril 1990 (France). ExpĂ©rimental, Fantastique, Épouvante-Horreur

Film de E. Elias Merhige

Neo-XP l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: A minimalist, mythic narrative of grotesque, ritualized suffering enshrouded in astonishing abstract avant-garde visuals and a hypnotic ambient soundtrack. Love it, hate it, or admire the technique while criticizing the intent—everyone admits there is nothing else quite like it in our cinematic universe.


Nostalghia (1983)

2 h 10 min. Sortie : 17 mai 1983. Drame

Film de AndreĂŻ Tarkovski

Neo-XP a mis 5/10.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: The fluidity between the conscious and subconscious worlds. Although it’s almost always clear whether the events depicted actually occur or are imagined, Tarkovsky is much more interested in what is going on inside the heads of his alienated Russian poet and the Italian madman than in what is happening in the “real” world. He uses strong, sometimes obscure visual symbolism and dreams to convey an affecting mood of existential loneliness.

La Voie lactée

La Voie lactée (1969)

1 h 42 min. Sortie : 15 mars 1969. Comédie dramatique

Film de Luis Buñuel

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :

WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: In The Milky Way two worldly pilgrims make their way through a strange, heresy-obsessed world in which every maütre d’ is an expert theologian and Renaissance fops duel to the death over arcane philosophical doctrines, while any random stranger they meet may actually be God, an angel, or the fulfillment of a recent prophecy.

Synecdoche, New York

Synecdoche, New York (2008)

2 h 04 min. Sortie : 1 avril 2009 (France). Comédie dramatique

Film de Charlie Kaufman

Neo-XP a mis 9/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Charlie Kaufman. More to the point, Charlie Kaufman unleashed; unlike Being John Malkovich or Adaptation, where weird and puzzling events are given a rational (if obscure) answer by the end, the weirdness of Synecdoche deliberately frustrates all attempts at a logical solution. Hazel’s house, which burns and smokes for decades without being consumed, is shamelessly absurd. The movie is an exploration of dream logic, a life journey that fractures time, space and coherence, where individual events do not add up piece by piece on a plot level, but resolve themselves on an emotional level.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

1 h 40 min. Sortie : 14 avril 1976 (France). ComĂ©die, ComĂ©die musicale, Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Jim Sharman

Neo-XP l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: It’s a rock n’ roll musical inspired by old sci-fi and horror B-movies about an alien transvestite. From the moment Richard O’Brien conceived the idea, there was no doubt that it would be weird; the only question was whether he could mold it into something that was even mildly watchable.

La Cité des enfants perdus

La Cité des enfants perdus (1995)

1 h 52 min. Sortie : 17 mai 1995 (France). Aventure, Fantastique, Science-fiction

Film de Marc Caro et Jean-Pierre Jeunet

Neo-XP a mis 8/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: The City of Lost Children takes place in a magical city that could not exist except in the imagination, in dreams. It’s a fairy tale, but from the first scene—a child’s Christmas Eve dream that turns unsettlingly weird—it’s clear that this is no standard fantasy world that sets out a few simple deviations from our own, but instead a world of childlike wonder where the imagination is unleashed without respect for the possible.

Orange mécanique

Orange mécanique (1971)

A Clockwork Orange

2 h 16 min. Sortie : 1 avril 1972 (France). Drame, Science-fiction

Film de Stanley Kubrick

Neo-XP a mis 9/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :


WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Although the plot is simple, and realistic in its own speculative way, Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange is so hyper-stylized with its bizarre poetic language, sets, costumes, music, broadly exaggerated performances, and the improbable karmic symmetry of the plot that it seems to take place in a dream world or a subconscious realm. The action, which takes the form of an ambiguous moral fable, occurs in an urban landscape that’s familiar, but fabulously twisted just beyond our expectations.


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