Cover 500 Essential Cult Movies 🛐

500 Essential Cult Movies 🛐

Liste basée sur le livre de Jennifer Eiss.

001-010 : Drama - Top 10
011-083 : Drama - Best of the Rest
084-093 : Thrillers - Top 10
094-133 : Thrillers - Best of the Rest
134-143 : Action - Top 10
144-165 : Action - Best of the Rest
166-175 ...

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501 films

créée il y a environ 11 ans · modifiée il y a 6 jours

Ève... (1950)

All About Eve

2 h 18 min. Sortie : 18 avril 1951 (France). Drame

Film de Joseph L. Mankiewicz

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :

Drama - Top 10

There is so much going on under the surface, so many lines taut with subtextual meaning; if Touch of Evil is about the evil that men do, then this film is its foil, covering the evil that women do and the underhand, elegant ways in which they do it.

Le Narcisse noir

Le Narcisse noir (1947)

Black Narcissus

1 h 41 min. Sortie : 20 juillet 1949 (France). Drame

Film de Michael Powell et Emeric Pressburger

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :

Amidst stunning set pieces and the expected witty script, powerhouse directing/writing/producing team Powell and Pressburger brings us a mystical, exotic tale, which Powell considered the most erotic film he'd ever made. And it's true; considering the film is about a bunch of nuns on a religious mission, there's a surprising amount of sexuality simmering beneath the surface.

Graine de violence

Graine de violence (1955)

Blackboard Jungle

1 h 41 min. Sortie : 23 juillet 1955 (France). Drame

Film de Richard Brooks

Annotation :

Blackboard Jungle is the original "crusading teacher against cynical and usually violent students" film. It reflected a new era in the fifties when kids were becoming more independent and less likely to honor their parents, which scared the hell out of the Depression generation. It's no less relevant today; in fact, one could call this film prescient, tapping into a zeitgesit of teenager fear that's only gotten worse in the fifty-plus years since it was made.

Easy Rider

Easy Rider (1969)

1 h 35 min. Sortie : 27 juin 1969 (France). Road movie

Film de Dennis Hopper

Neo-XP a mis 6/10.

Annotation :

Easy Rider is often credited with beginning the New Hollywood era of filmmaking, in which a younger, hipper generation invaded the film industry and used Hollywood money to make films about gritty, realistic, and anti-establishment themes that were previously regulated to the independent stream. But beyond its importance to the Hollywood establishment, this film is just a great movie.

Harold et Maude

Harold et Maude (1971)

Harold and Maude

1 h 31 min. Sortie : 23 août 1972 (France). Comédie, Drame, Romance

Film de Hal Ashby

Neo-XP a mis 8/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :

Harold and Mause is the ultimate unlikely relationship film, a seriously dark black comedy that also happens to be heartwarming and romantic. The film did badly on its release, both financially and with critics; despite this it's a clear product of its era, documenting the clash of an older WWI and WWII survival generation with aimless, Vietnam-bred children and grandchildren.

Le Poison

Le Poison (1945)

The Lost Weekend

1 h 41 min. Sortie : 14 février 1947 (France). Drame, Film noir

Film de Billy Wilder

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :

The Lost Weekend won four Oscars, all well deserved; this film is not an easy film to watch, probably because of its gritty, relentlessly truthful portrayal of alcoholism. This is harrowing and surprisingly modern filmmaking: brave, honest, and ugly.

Vol au-dessus d'un nid de coucou

Vol au-dessus d'un nid de coucou (1975)

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

2 h 13 min. Sortie : 1 mars 1976 (France). Drame, Comédie dramatique

Film de MiloĆĄ Forman

Neo-XP a mis 9/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, based on the novel by Ken Kesey, is inspired by Kesey's time working in an actual mental ward and is a damning indictment of the treatment of mental patients; in fact, it goes so far as to criticize the presribed nature of mental ilness itself, implying that such a designation is reserved for society's misfits rather than those truly chemically imbalanced. The superior acting and up-close-and-personal directing style only serve to carry this point home on the back of a heartbreaking and beautiful story.


Outsiders (1983)

The Outsiders

1 h 54 min. Sortie : 7 septembre 1983 (France). Drame

Film de Francis Ford Coppola

Neo-XP l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

The Outsiders covers the gamut of young adult themes: growing up too fast and not fast enough at the same time; the injustice of being judged on things you have no control over; and the seeming futility of wanting to change yourself and the world. It's the complete lack of condescension in treating these themes that has made the film so popular not only with teenagers in 1983 but today as well. The story has a timelessness about it, a universal relevance; Coppola once again showed his talent by leaving the heart of the story unchanged. And by casting lots of pretty young men!

Les ÉvadĂ©s

Les ÉvadĂ©s (1994)

The Shawshank Redemption

2 h 22 min. Sortie : 1 mars 1995 (France). Drame

Film de Frank Darabont

Neo-XP a mis 8/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :

In their performances Robbins and Freeman just exude dignity and quiet intensity, as if they drank too much of it the night before and are sweating it out through their pores during each take. But that they shine so brightly is due to their relationship and the story as a whole being so expertly crafted- though the film could very well cross the line into melodrama or sentimentality, the two leads and their bevy of funny and tragic friends keep everything firmly in drama territory.

Le Plongeon

Le Plongeon (1968)

The Swimmer

1 h 35 min. Sortie : 18 septembre 1968 (France). Drame

Film de Frank Perry

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Annotation :

Burt Lancaster (as Ned Merril, titular main character) delivers the poetic script with solemnity, his vulnerable character clad only in a pair of swimming shorts and his heart upon his metaphorical sleeve. What's most fascinating is the lack of a sense of time- one can easily imagine Ned time-traveling as he slips into the icy blue waters of each pool until he arrives home again at an unspecified future date.

37°2 le matin

37°2 le matin (1986)

2 h 01 min. Sortie : 9 avril 1986. Drame, Romance

Film de Jean-Jacques Beineix

Neo-XP l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

Drama - Best of the Rest

The Addiction

The Addiction (1995)

1 h 24 min. Sortie : 10 avril 1996 (France). Fantastique, Épouvante-Horreur, Drame

Film de Abel Ferrara

Neo-XP l'a mis en envie.

Presque célÚbre

Presque célÚbre (2000)

Almost Famous

2 h 02 min. Sortie : 21 mars 2001 (France). Comédie dramatique, Musique

Film de Cameron Crowe

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Amours chiennes

Amours chiennes (2000)

Amores perros

2 h 33 min. Sortie : 1 novembre 2000 (France). Drame, Thriller

Film de Alejandro Gonzålez Iñårritu

Neo-XP a mis 9/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Les Proies

Les Proies (1971)

The Beguiled

1 h 45 min. Sortie : 18 août 1971 (France). Drame, Thriller, Guerre

Film de Don Siegel

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Rien n'est trop beau

Rien n'est trop beau (1959)

The Best of Everything

2 h 01 min. Sortie : 9 octobre 1959 (États-Unis). ComĂ©die dramatique

Film de Jean Negulesco

Graffiti Party

Graffiti Party (1978)

Big Wednesday

2 h. Sortie : 11 juillet 1979 (France). Drame, Sport

Film de John Milius

Les Garçons de la bande

Les Garçons de la bande (1970)

The Boys in the Band

1 h 58 min. Sortie : 26 janvier 1972 (France). Comédie dramatique

Film de William Friedkin

Break Street 84

Break Street 84 (1984)


1 h 30 min. Sortie : 11 juillet 1984 (France). Comédie dramatique, Comédie musicale, Romance

Film de Joel Silberg

BrĂšve Rencontre

BrĂšve Rencontre (1945)

Brief Encounter

1 h 26 min. Sortie : 20 novembre 1946 (France). Drame, Romance

Film de David Lean

Neo-XP a mis 8/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Apportez-moi la tĂȘte d'Alfredo Garcia

Apportez-moi la tĂȘte d'Alfredo Garcia (1974)

Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia

1 h 52 min. Sortie : 2 janvier 1975 (France). Thriller, Policier, Western

Film de Sam Peckinpah

Neo-XP l'a mis en envie.

Le Cuirassé Potemkine

Le Cuirassé Potemkine (1925)

Bronenosets Potemkin

1 h 15 min. Sortie : 12 novembre 1926 (France). Muet, Drame, Historique

Film de SergueĂŻ Eisenstein

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.


Carny (1980)

1 h 47 min. Sortie : 7 avril 1982 (France). Drame

Film de Robert Kaylor

Cisco Pike

Cisco Pike (1971)

1 h 35 min. Sortie : 2 novembre 1971 (États-Unis). Policier, Drame

Film de Bill Norton


Cockfighter (1974)

1 h 23 min. Sortie : aoĂ»t 1974 (États-Unis). Aventure, ComĂ©die dramatique

Film de Monte Hellman


L'Expérience (2001)

Das Experiment

2 h. Sortie : 21 mai 2003 (France). Drame, Thriller

Film de Oliver Hirschbiegel

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

La Patrouille de l'aube

La Patrouille de l'aube (1938)

The Dawn Patrol

1 h 43 min. Sortie : 8 juin 1939 (France). Drame, Guerre

Film de Edmund Goulding

Les Moissons du ciel

Les Moissons du ciel (1978)

Days of Heaven

1 h 34 min. Sortie : 16 mai 1979 (France). Drame, Romance

Film de Terrence Malick

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.

Les Diables

Les Diables (1971)

The Devils

1 h 51 min. Sortie : 29 octobre 1971 (France). Biopic, Drame, Historique

Film de Ken Russell

Neo-XP l'a mis en envie.

Ne vous retournez pas

Ne vous retournez pas (1973)

Don't Look Now

1 h 50 min. Sortie : 18 septembre 1974 (France). Drame, Thriller, Épouvante-Horreur

Film de Nicolas Roeg

Neo-XP a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cƓur.


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