Cover An Anthology Of Noise & Electronic Music

An Anthology Of Noise & Electronic Music

Sub Rosa a sorti une série de compilations (7 volumes) retraçant l'histoire de la musique électronique et surtout du noise. Bien que plutôt décousu puisque c'est une compilation, l’œuvre a un intérêt historique indéniable et permet de faire découvrir des morceaux importants au néophyte comme au ...

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7 morceaux

créée il y a plus de 10 ans · modifiée il y a plus de 10 ans



Morceau de Antonio Russolo

Annotation :

First A-Chronology 1921-2001 :
Compilation sortie en 2002

01 - Luigi Russolo & Antonio Russolo - Corale 1:57 / 1921

02 - Walter Ruttmann - Wochende 11:17 / 1930

03 - Pierre Schaeffer - Cinq études de bruits - étude violette 3:18 / 1948

04 - Henri Pousseur - Scambi 6:27 / 1957

05 - Gordon Mumma - The Dresden Interleaf 13 February 1945 12:43 / 1965

06 - Angus MacLise, Tony Conrad & John Cale - Trance #2 5:07 / 1965

07 - Philip Jeck, Otomo Yoshihide & Martin Tétreault - Untitled #1 6:06 / 2000

08 - Survival Research Laboratories - October 24, 1992 Graz, Austria 6:11 / 1992

09 - Einstürzende Neubauten - Ragout: Küchen Rezept Von Einstürzende Neubauten 4:08 / 1998

10 - Konrad Boehmer - Aspekt 15:13 / 1966

11 - Nam June Paik - Hommage à John Cage 4:13 / 1958

12 - John Cage - Rozart mix 7:18 / 1965

13 - Sonic Youth - Audience 6:00 / 1983

14 - Edgard Varèse - Poème électronique 8:00 / 1958

15 - Iannis Xenakis - Concret PH 4:40 / 1958

16 - DJ Spooky - That Subliminal Kid FTP > Bundle / Conduit 23 8:07 / 2001

17 - Pauline Oliveros - A little noise in the system (Moog System) 30:16 / 1966

18 - Ryoji Ikeda - One minute 1:00 / 1997




02 min. Sortie : 0001 (France).

Morceau de Otto Luening et Vladimir Ussachevsky

Annotation :

Second A-Chronology 1936-2003 :
Compilation sortie en 2003

01 - Vladimir Ussachevsky + Otto Luening - Incantation for tape 2:36 / 1953

02 - Luc Ferrari - Visage V 10:36 / 1958

03 - Tod Dockstader - Aerial > Song 12:56 / 2002

04 - Johanna M. Beyer - Music of the spheres 6:00 / 1938

05 - Morton Subotnick - Mandolin 7:02 / 1962

06 - Daphne Oram - Four aspects 8:14 / 1960

07 - Scanner - Emily 4:53 / 1993

08 - Hugh Davies - Quintet 12:11 / 1967

09 - Alan R. Splet - Space travel w/ Changing Choral Textures 4:04 / 1980

10 - Kim Cascone - Zephirum scan 4:49 / 2002

11 - Autechre - Bronchus one.1 6:04 / 1991

12 - Multiphonic Ensemble - On/Off edit 9:10 / 2001

13 - Meira Asher + Guy Harries - Torture / Bodyparts 3:42 / 2001

14 - Choose / Lasse Steen - Purzuit ov noize 5:36 / 1994

15 - Woody McBride - Pulp 6:11 / 1993

16 - Arcane Device - Lathe 5:56 / 1988

17 - Laibach - Industrial ambients 9:58 / 1980

18 - SPK - Slogun 6:15 / 1979

19 - Percy Grainger - Free music #1 (for four theremins) 1:28 / 1936

20 - Sun Ra And The Arkestra - Imagination 2:00 / 1965

21 - Captain Beefheart - She's too much for my mirror / my human gets me Blues 5:21 / 1969

De natura sonorum: Matières induites

De natura sonorum: Matières induites

Morceau de Bernard Parmegiani

Annotation :

Third A-Chronology 1952-2004 :
Compilation sortie en 2004


01 - Bernard Parmegiani - De natura sonorum: matières induites 3:44 / 1975

02 - Hugh Le Caine - Short presentation of the 1948 Sackbut: the Sackbut blues, followed by a noisome pestilence 3:25 / 1953-1958

03 - Keith Fullerton Whitman/Hrvatski - Stereo music for Serge Modular Prototype 5:30 / 2003

04 - Ilhan Mimaroglu - The last largo 9:33 / 1989

05 - Michael J Schumacher - Room Pieces: excerpt 4:41 / 2003

06 - Justin Bennett - Ovipool 3:25 / 2003

07 - Scott Gibbons/Lilith - Reciprocal 3:30 / 1992

08 - Fred Szymanski - Modular(2)-Flume 6:41 / 2003

09 - Francisco López - Untitled #148 10:03 / 2003

10 - Zbigniew Karkowski - Execution of intelligence 8:20 / 2004

11 - Masami Akita / Merzbow - Birds and warhorse 11:30 / 2004

12 - Michel Chion - Requiem: Dies Irae 6:00 / 1973


01 - Erkki Kurenniemi - Sähkösoittimen Ääniä #4+#1 5:26 / 1971

02 - Carsten Nicolai/Alva Noto - 4:26 / 2000

03 - Peter Rehberg/Pita - Early work 6 3:00 / 1984

04 - Herbert Eimert & Robert Beyer - Klangstudies II 4:43 / 1952

05 - Günther Rabl - Eve 6:00 / 1987

06 - Asmus Tietchens - Teilmenge 35 C 4:40 / 2004

07 - Michael Rother - Feuerland 7:20 / 1976

08 - Faust - The Faust tapes: untitled #16+#17 2:55 / 1973

09 - To Rococo Rot - Contacte 4:30 / 2004

10 - Rune Lindblad - Till Zakynthos (Op. 205) 13:39 / 1988

11 - Carl Michael Von Hausswolff & Erik Pauser/Phauss - Eternal love #3 13:07 / 1993

Wire Recorder Piece

Wire Recorder Piece (2001)

Wire Recorder Piece

01 min. Sortie : 2001 (France).

Morceau de Halim El-Dabh

Annotation :

Fourth A-Chronology 1937-2005 :
Sortie en 2006


01 - Halim El-Dabh - Wire recorder piece 2:01 / 1944

02 - György Ligeti - Pièce Électronique #3 2:15 / 1958

03 - Jean-Claude Risset - Mutations 10:32 1969

04 - Beatriz Ferreyra - Demeures aquatiques 7:20 / 1967

05 - Maja Ratkje - Vox 13:23 / 2005

06 - Laurie Spiegel - Sediment 9:16 / 1972

07 - Steve Reich - Pendulum music 7:27 / 1968

08 - Stephen Vitiello - Marfa mix 4:15 / 2003

09 - eRikm - Ressac 4:41 / 2003

10 - Wang Changcun - Sea-Food 4:49 / 2005

11 - Chlorgeschlecht - Unyoga 2:40 / 2003

12 - Gottfried Michael Koenig - Funktion grau 10:15 / 1969


01 - Milan Knizak - Broken music composition 3:28 / 1979

02 - Les Rallizes Denudes - Fucked up and naked 8:33 / 1977

03 - Vibracathedral Orchestra - Weaving the magic 4:45 / 2003

04 - Andy Hawkins - River Blindness 10:11 / 1995

05 - Alvin Lucier - Still And Moving Lines Of Silence In Families Of Hyperbolas: Voice 11:39 / 1974

06 - The Loop Orchestra - Circa 1901 8:00 / 2005

07 - John Watermann - Still warm 3:00 / 1989

08- François Bayle + Robert Wyatt + Kevin Ayers - It 3:40 / 1970-72

09 - William S. Burroughs - Present time excersises 2:23 / 1971

10 - James Whitehead - Air attack over Kabul airfield 4:14 / 2005

11 - Jean-Marc Vivenza - Simultanéité aérienne 8:52 / 1994

12 - Olivier Messiaen - Oraison 7:42 / 1937



07 min.

Morceau de Rogelio Sosa

Annotation :

Fifth A-Chronology 1920-2007 :
Sortie en 2007


01 - Rogelio Sosa - Vinylika 7:02 \ 2003

02 - Christian Galaretta - Marañon (Part VI) 10:25 \ 2004

03 - Li Chin Sung aka Dickson Dee - Shame (Tetsuo Furudate sound materials remix) 4:58 \ 1994-2007

04 - François-Bernard Mâche - Prélude 5:30 \ 1958

05 - Richard Maxfield - Pastoral symphony 4:02 \ 1960

06 - Wolf Vostell - Elektronicher dé-collage. Happening Raum. 2:59 \ 1968

07 - Charlemagne Palestine - Seven organism study 7:53 \ 1968

08 - André Boucourechliev - Texte 2 4:36 \ 1959

09 - Helmut Lachenmann - Scenario 12:30 \ 1965

10 - Alireza Mashayekhi - Shur, op.15 6:29 \ 1966

11 - Claude Ballif - Points, mouvements 10:14 \ 1962


01 - Mauricio Kagel - Antithèse 9:21 \ 1962

02 - Vladimir Mayakovsky - And Would You? 0:33 \ 1920

03 - Raoul Hausmann - Fmsbw 0:46 \ 1918

04 - Gil Joseph Wolman - Mégapneumies (24 Mars 1963) 4:55 \ 1963

05 - Léo Kupper - Electro-Poème 5:55 \ 1963 - 1970

06 - Josef Anton Riedl - Leonce Und Lena 2:18 \ 1963

07 - Sten Hanson + Henri Chopin - Tête À Tête 5:08 \ 1973

08 - Dajuin Yao - Satisfaction of oscillation 9:27 \ 1997

09 - Pere Ubu - Sentimental Journey 7:02 \ 1978

10 - Ground Zero - Live 1992 0:59 \ 1992

11 - Masonna/Yamazaki "Maso" Takushi - Spectrum ripper (part I-II-III) 3:33 \ 1996-1997

12 - Sutcliffe Jügend - Blind ignorance 5:40 \ 2007

13 - Club Moral - L'enfer est intime 6:33 \ 1985

14 - Dub Taylor - Lumière (part I) 17:12 \ 1972

The Banshee

The Banshee (1994)

The Banshee

02 min. Sortie : 1 février 1994 (France).

Morceau de Henry Cowell

Annotation :

Sixth A-Chronology 1957-2010 :
Sortie en ..., devinez? 2010

CD 1

01 - Israël Martinez - Mi Vida (2007) 06:59

02 - Ata Ebtekar / Sote - Turquoise gas in Ice (2008)
-unpublished 03:36

03 - Joseph Nechvatal - Ego Masher (1983) 07:05

04 - Oliver Stummer + Liesl Ujvary - Trautorium Jetztzeit #4
(1930 sound) 03:44

05 - Henry Cowell - The Banshee (1925>57) 02:23

06 - Dick Raaymakers - Piano-forte (1959-60) 04:55

07 - Manuel Rocha Iturbide - Estudio Antimatierico N°1 (1989) 05:02

08 - Tetsuo Furudate - (2008) unpublished 06:26

09 - Kohei Gomi/Pain Jerk - Aufheben (1993)-unpublished 06:28

10 - Hijokaidan - Untitled (1994)-unpublished 11:54

11 - Incapacitants - Shall we die ? (1990)-unpublished 06:25

12 - Torturing Nurse - Yes or No (2010)-unpublished 04:49

13 - Sachiko M - 28082000 (2000) 05:32

14 - Ultraphonist - How to practice scales (2000) 03:07

CD 2

01 - Z'ev - 12 november 1980, Melkweg, Amsterdam (1980)
-unpublished 07:31

02 - Daniel Menche - Fulmination (2009)-unpublished 12:00

03 - John Wiese - New Wave Dust (2004) 02:25

04 - Rico Schwantes/The Pain Barrier - Virus (2003) 05:29

05 - Julie Rousse - Flesh Barbie Techno Fuck (2008) 04:45

06 - Bird Palace/Cristian Vogel + Pablo Palacio - Phing (2009)-unpublished 04:23

07 - Robert Piotrowicz - Lincoln Sea Ice Walic (2009)
-unpublished 08:09

08 - Tzvi Avni - Vocalise (1964) 05:18

09 - Else Marie Pade - Syv Cirkler (1958) 07:05

10 - John Duncan - The Nazca Transmissions #2 (2005) 08:10

11 - Stephen O' Malley- Dolmens & Lighthouses (2009)-unpublished 06:53

12 Ilios / Dimitris Kariofilis - The continuum of emanation from the One (2009)-unpublished 06:06

Sonata for Loudspeaker

Sonata for Loudspeaker (1955)

Sonata for Loudspeaker

06 min. Sortie : 1955 (France).

Album version de Henry Jacobs

Annotation :

Seventh and Last A-Chronology 1930-2012 :
Sortie en 2012, c'est pas pour ça que je connais plus de trucs.


01 - Henry Jacobs - Sonata for Loudspeakers (1953-4) 9'20

02 - Tziga Vertov-Radio-ear - Radio Pravda (1930) 2'58

03 - Bebe & Louis Barron - Bells of Atlantis (1952) 9'00

04 - Luciano Berio - Thema (Omaggio a Joyce) (1958) 6'12

05 - Bülent Arel - Electronic Music (1961) 8'37

06 - Don Preston - Analog Heaven #6 (1975) 3'04

07 - Slawek Kwi + Siobhan McDonald - Lava Samples 2'03

08 - Benjamin Thigpen - Thread0 (2011) 5'24

09 - Helmut Schäfer - Infuse (2005-6) 7'36

10 - Novi_sad - The insolence of a poppy (2011) 13'23

11 - Saule - Paperfilm (2002) 11'22

12 - E-L Scott de Martinville - Au clair de la lune (1860) 0'16


01 - John Oswald - Vertical Time 9'58

02 - Israel Quellet - Pour percussion et saturation (2007) 2'21

03 - Dennis Wong / Sin:Net - Decomposition 5'03

04 - Alan Courtis - Mind Broncoespasmo 2'36

05 - Fausto Romitelli - Trash TV Trance (2002) 10'10

06 - Justin K. Broadrick - Guitar Three (1995) 10'21

07 - Storm Bugs - Cash Wash/Eat good Beans (1980) 3'41

08 - E.A.R. - Beyond the Pale (1992) 14'49

09 - Henry Cow - From Trondheim (1976) 13'06

10 - Osso Exotico - Rota de inverno (1994) 4'45


01 - Eugeniusz Rudnik - Collage (1965) 4'59

02 - Eduardo Polonio - Transparencias (2011) 7'07

03 - Cabaret Voltaire - Chance versus Causuality (1979) 5'47

04 - Mika Vainio - Transformer in 7 (2011) 5'59

05 - Alma Laprida + Juan Jose Calarco - Contorso (2011) 2'36

06 - Klangkrieg - Korpus 1 (1996) 3'37

07 - Gintas Kraptavicius - 4m (2011) 7'19

08 - Warong Rachapreecha - Shambles (2012) 0'56

09 - The New Blockaders - Blockade is Resistance (1983) 8'12

10 - GX Jupitter-Larsen / The Haters - Fuechen (1985) 5'20

11 - The Rita - Skate (2009) 4'59

12 - To Die - Terhempas luka / Jurang nestapa (2011) 1'03

13 - Agro / B. Spivey + R. Anderson - Only Those Who Attempt
The Impossible Will Achieve The Absurd (1995) 4'08

14 - Jamka - Wild Rosa Tree (2010) 5'48

15 - Erin Sexton - Suspend / 2 Electromagnetic Amplifiers (2011) 4:52

16 - Gustavo Serpa - Astro Metal (2008) 6'04

17 - Anonymous - Untitled (unknown) 0'23


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