[Bandcamp \ Ovni]
Compilation des curiosités disponibles en entier sur Bandcamp avec une préférence pour un aspect DIY, self released etc.
Usage personnel et éventuellement collectif donc je vais m'efforcer de mettre des annotations pour éviter une liste fleuve inutilisable!
5 albums
créée il y a plus de 4 ans · modifiée il y a plus de 4 ansSuperflat (2017)
Sortie : 5 avril 2017 (France). Spoken Word, Experimental
Album de C'est la key
Annotation :
[Home Recordings]
"A delightful audio-narrative in the grand comic tradition of famed Zemblan author Charles Kimbote, "Super Flat" tells the highly musical tale of the late artist Coin Locker Kid's journey into the self whilst completing his masterpiece and awaiting his lover's return. Jam-packed with romance, mystery, adventure and thrills, "Super Flat" is guaranteed fun for the whole family and the endlessly inquisitive void inside you!" -- Cornelius Lockwood, editor of CLK Digest, 2017
Des field recordings à la maison captivants et émouvants.
Sortie : 14 janvier 2014 (France).
Album de DJ Rozwell
Aloque a mis 7/10.
Annotation :
[Hip hop flingué moyenâgeux]
"This album was recovered from a series of dusty, unmarked Zip disks found in a condemned Massachusetts apartment building in 2001. It is believed to be the first fantasy audio hip-hop roguelike tape to be published on Bandcamp. Each track is a vignette ranging from 12 seconds to 3 minutes. "
"To listen to this album properly, set the entire album on shuffle, with a crossfade of 5 or 6 seconds between tracks."
Sorte de dungeon crawler du rap expérimental
Slurping at the Cosmos Spine (2015)
Sortie : 1 juin 2015 (France).
Album de Dawn of Humans
Aloque a mis 9/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cœur.
Annotation :
[Mutant Punk]
"La Vida Es Un Mus reaches it's 100th release with the debut album from New York's DAWN OF HUMANS, opening a door into an unexplored world below the Brooklyn sewers. 'Slurping at the Cosmos Spine' is a chaotic, creepy and unhinged album that takes the mutant sound of UNITED MUTATION and mixes it with the basic, hypnotic and relentless rhythms of THE RONDOS / Early EX. It actually sounds like a RUDIMENTARY PENI 7" played at the wrong speed. This is music for freaks that is wild and abandoned in parts and then locked in and claustrophobic in others. While DAWN OF HUMANS is surely a band to experience live due to their ever changing stage performance 'Slurping at the Cosmos Spine' manages to shine the psychotic genious-ness of the band thru the grooves of this record."
Punk qui sent les égouts et la saleté et pourtant c'est un album fait de manière très minutieuse
NEGRO (2020)
Sortie : 8 avril 2020 (France). Sound Collage, Noise
Album de Pink Siifu
Aloque a mis 7/10.
Annotation :
[Hip hop bruyant et pas content]
Hybride entre hip-hop et noisecore. Ca réchauffe le coeur tant de rage.
Fist Me 'til Your Hand Comes Out My Mouth (2020)
Sortie : 1 mai 2020 (France).
Album de Crywank
Aloque a mis 7/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cœur.