Cover Musique (2016)

Musique (2016)

Morceaux découverts en 2016.

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14 personnalités

créée il y a plus de 8 ans · modifiée il y a plus d’un an


Annotation :

Epic and dramatic music - Flight hymn.
Echo & the bunnymen - The killing moon.
Warpaint - Love is to die.
The church - Under the milky way.
Visage - Fade to grey.
Nena - 99 luftballons.
Madame Kay - Pourquoi tu pleures.
Mike Oldfield - Nuclear.
Coeur de pirate - Oublie moi.
Grace - You don't own me.
Francis Cabrel - Des hommes pareils.
David Hallyday - Tu ne m'as pas laissé le temps.
Nas - Bridging the gap.
Sigur ros - Hoppipolla.
Mogwai - Summer.
Phil Collins - Sussudio.
Sum 41 - In too deep.
John Dreamer - Rise.
Blue monday - New order.
Bonny Tyler - Total eclipse of the heart.
Krept konan - Don't waste my time.
Charlélie couture - Comme un avion sans aile.
Free - Mr Big (live 1970).
Heart - Crazy on you.
Indochine - Le lac.
Louise attaque - Explosive.
John Dreamer - Rise.
The Roots - Fire.
Hey hey my my - A true story.
Jann pehchan ho - Dance song.

The Sounds

The Sounds

Annotation :

No one sleeps when i'm awake.
Something to die for.
The best of me.
My lover.
Mine for life.
Midnight sun.
Better of dead.
Like a lady.
Painted by numbers.
Queen of apology.
Rock'n roll.
Running out of turbo.
Seven days a week.
Shake shake shake.
Song with a mission.
The no no song.
The only ones.
Tony the beat.
Too young to die.
Wish you were here.
Won't let them tear us apart.
Young and wild.
24 hours.
4 song & a fight.
Crossing the rubicon.
Dance with me.
Dance with the devil.
Don't want to hurt you.
Dorchester hotel.
Goodnight freedy.
Great day.
Hit me.
Home is where the heart is.
Hope you're happy now.
Hurt the ones i love.
Lost in love.
Much too long now.
Night after night.

The Dø

The Dø

Annotation :

Keep your lips sealed.
Trustful hands.
Opposite ways.
Lick my wounds.

Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire

Annotation :

Ready to start.
Empty room.
Sprawl II.
The Backseat.
Suburban war.
We used to wait.
Neighborhood #1.
Neighborhood #3.
The suburbs.
Half light I.
Half light II.
Wasted hours.
Une année sans lumière.
Wake up.
Deep blue.
Modern man.
Crown of love.

Casseurs Flowters

Casseurs Flowters

Annotation :

Des histoires à raconter.
A l'heure où je me couche.
Dans la place pour être.
Regarde comme il fait beau.



Annotation :

Dans ma chair.
Ce soir.
Qui je suis.
Tout envoyer en l'air.
Chaque seconde.
Je cours.
Comment te dire.
Je saigne encore.
Je te vends mon âme.
Le chemin.
Nuits blanches.
On se tourne autour.
Poupées russes.
Tout envoyer en l'air.
Enfant du solstice.
Dernière danse.
Je te rêve encore.
Plan A.



Annotation :

Lose yourself.
No love.
Sing for a moment.
When i'm gone.
Rabbit run.
Like toys soldiers.



Annotation :

Every you every me.
Running up that hill.
The bitter end.
This picture.
Where is my mind.
Bright lights.
Come undone.
Too many friends.
Song to say goodbye.
Special needs.
The never ending why.
Twenty years.

Patrick Bruel

Patrick Bruel

Annotation :

Alors regarde.
Combien de murs.
Place des grands hommes.
Casser la voix.
J'te l'dis quand même.
J'te mentirais.



Annotation :

Boxing club.
10 ans.
J'en ai marre.
La guerre en dentelle.
Veni vedi vici.
Je veux bien.
Happy end.
Le dernier souffle.
Moi lolita.
Parler tout bas.
Si tu es un homme.
A cause de l'automne.

Georges Moustaki

Georges Moustaki

Annotation :

Le temps de vivre.
Rue des fossés.

Najoua Belyzel

Najoua Belyzel

Annotation :

Que sont-ils devenus.

Tears for Fears

Tears for Fears

Annotation :

Head over hells.



Annotation :

Ark - Trailer song.
A scanner darkly - The dark world where i dwell.
American history x - The white man marches on.
Camille redouble - Ouverture.
Camille redouble - Musique dans la chambre.
Camille redouble - Quatre dromadaires.
Camille redouble - Le bouquet.
Camille redouble - Au bord des océans.
Creed - You're Creed.
Creed - Lord knows / Fighting stronger.
Dishonored - Drunken whaler.
Donnie Darko - Gretchen Ross.
Donnie Darko - For whom the bell tolls.
Dual universe - Particle horizon.
Dual universe - Productivism.
Dual universe - Nothingness
Dual universe - Dogfight ambience.
Escape from New-York - Main title.
Ghost world - Theme song.
Gone girl - Technically missing.
L'agence - The ripples must be endless.
L'agence - Four elections.
L'agence - None of them are you.
Metal gear solid - Father and son.
Metal gear solid - Enclosure.
Metal gear solid - Top 10 music.
Metal gear solid - Big boss returns.
Metal gear solid - V has come to.
Metal gear solid - A phantom pain.
Metal gear solid - Heavens divide.
Monster - Childhood montage.
Monster - Ferris wheel love theme.
Monster - The bus stop.
Mr nobody - Celui qui n'existe pas.
Mr nobody - Cercles.
Notre jour viendra - Rôde.
Notre jour viendra - Fauve.
Notre jour viendra - Crescendo.
Predestination - Intro.
Predestination - Birth.
Predestination - Fistfight.
Predestination - Spacecorp.
Predestination - Dismissed.
Predestination - Falling in love.
Predestination - Sex change.
Predestination - Encounter.
Predestination - Fighting thyself.
Predestination - Dinner.
Predestination - The truth.
Predestination - End titles.
Rambo - It's a long road (instrumental).
Steve Jobs - Change the world.
Steve Jobs - The skylab plan.
Steve Jobs - I play the orchestra.
Steve Jobs - Revenge.
The guest - Track 3.
The social network - Hand covers bruise.
The social network - In motion.
The social network - Intriguing possibilities.
The social network - Painted sun in abstract.
The social network - Complication with optimistic outcome.


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