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Bad Sex in Fiction Award 2014
Le "Bad Sex in Fiction Award" est un pris littéraire britannique décerné tous les ans depuis 1993 par la Literary Review à l'auteur qui a produit la pire description d'un acte sexuel dans un roman dans l'objetif avoué d'"attirer l'attention sur l'usage grossier, insipide et souvent routinier de ...
Afficher plus10 livres
créée il y a environ 10 ans · modifiée il y a environ 10 ansThe Age of Magic
Sortie : 9 octobre 2014 (France).
livre de Ben Okri
Annotation :
"When his hand brushed her nipple it tripped a switch and she came alight. He touched her belly and his hand seemed to burn through her. He lavished on her body indirect touches and bitter-sweet sensations flooded her brain.
She became aware of places in her that could only have been concealed there by a god with a sense of humour. Adrift on warm currents, no longer of this world, she became aware of him gliding into her. He loved her with gentleness and strength, stroking her neck, praising her face with his hands, till she was broken up and began a low rhythmic wail. She was a little overwhelmed with being the adored focus of such power, as he rose and fell. She felt certain now that there was a heaven and that it was here, in her body. The universe was in her and with each movement it unfolded to her.
Somewhere in the night a stray rocket went off."
The Snow Queen
Sortie : 6 mai 2014 (France).
livre de Michael Cunningham
Annotation :
"Her mouth is clean in an herbal way, no herb in particular but that sense of green rampancy."
The Narrow Road to the Deep North (2013)
Sortie : 2013 (Australie). Roman, Version originale
livre de Richard Flanagan
Annotation :
"He felt the improbable weight of her eyelash with his own; he kissed the slight, rose-coloured trench that remained from her knicker elastic, running around her belly like the equator line circling the world. As they lost themselves in the circumnavigation of each other, there came from nearby shrill shrieks that ended in a deeper howl."
The Hormone Factory
livre de Saskia Goldschmidt
Annotation :
"I unbuttoned my pants, pushing them down past my hips, and my beast, finally released from its cage, sprang up wildly. I started inching my way back up, continuing to stimulate her manually, until the beast found its way in. "
L'Incolore Tsukuru Tazaki et ses années de pèlerinage (2013)
Shikisai wo motanai Tazaki Tsukuru to, kare no junrei no toshi
Sortie : 4 septembre 2014 (France). Roman
livre de Haruki Murakami
Annotation :
"The girls entwined themselves lithely around Tsukuru. Kuro’s breasts were full and soft. Shiro’s were small, but her nipples were as hard as tiny round pebbles. Their pubic hair was as wet as a rain forest. "
Le bruit des autres
Sortie : 19 mars 2014 (France). Roman
livre de Amy Grace Loyd
Annotation :
"Her throat as open as her body, wet everywhere from tears and the coming, and I did hear it, a long high twisting cry and a twisting in my arms as my fingers dove up and up into the full expressive wetness of her."
Desert God (2014)
Sortie : 25 septembre 2014. Roman, Version originale
livre de Wilbur Smith
Annotation :
"Her body was hairless. Her pudenda were also entirely devoid of hair. The tips of her inner lips protruded shyly from the vertical cleft. The sweet dew of feminine arousal glistened upon them."
Things to Make and Break
livre de May-Lan Tan
Annotation :
"She comes and comes, waves of hot silk—I grit my teeth and push her off. I bend her over and really give it to her. "
Mauvaise vie
The Lemon Grove
Sortie : 8 janvier 2014 (France). Roman
livre de Helen Walsh
Annotation :
"His mouth is on hers; his tongue is jabbing around her gums, the wrinkled roof of her mouth."
The Legacy of Elizabeth Pringle
Sortie : 13 mars 2014 (France).
livre de Kirsty Wark
Annotation :
"I arched my body against him and taking his hand I guided it down over my navel and placed it between my legs, my hand on top of his, holding it there, gasping as his fingers circled me softly. I had never imagined that I was capable of wanton behaviour, but it was as if a dam within me had burst and we made love that day and night like two people starved, slowly suffused with more and more pleasure, exploring and devouring every inch of each other, so as not to miss one single possibility of passion. It was as if I were drinking in life itself."