Elliott Smith: Ascendance, Descendance, Ressemblance
Pour les gens qui veulent découvrir ses origines ainsi que des artistes similaires. Je vais essayer de remplir quand je sais mais beaucoup de fois ça restera assez vide car il y'a beaucoup de cas où je connais pas grand chose.
Liste non exhaustive, si vous avez d'autres artistes, je ...
61 personnalités
créée il y a environ 9 ans · modifiée il y a environ 7 ansThe Beatles
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Sans Les Beatles pas d'Elliott Smith, sans les Beatles pas grand monde vous me direz. Mais c'est l'inspiration la plus grande à n'en pas douter
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Je ne pourrais pas dire ou ça a joué dans sa musique KISS est dans les premiers albums écoutés.
"The first record I ever bought was Kiss' 'Alive II,' with Gene Simmons all covered in blood on the front. As a boy in Dallas, they were about as good as it got." He also recalled: "I liked Kiss as well, because they wore make-up. I thought that was awesome."
Paco de Lucía
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Elliott à utilisé beaucoup du flamenco pour améliorer sa technique à la guitare. (J'ai mis "au pif" pour l'artiste)
"elliott: well, it’s fun to try. i like finger-picking a lot. i like flamenco a lot. i have learned a lot from flamenco even though i can’t play it."
Nick Drake
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Le Proto Elliott: Chanteur Folk avec une voix fragile et qqn de tourmenté ça rappelle qqn
"I've heard about two Nick Drake songs, and I liked them. He seemed a lot softer or something than I feel like I am, lyrically. I don't know. I liked him, so I guess [the comparison]'s a compliment."
Big Star
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+ Chris Bell. Pour cette capacité à faire de l'excellente pop tout en étant recherché j'imagine
Elvis Costello
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Pareil pour la pop
"Elvis Costello got me through high school. That and the Clash."
Paul Simon
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Beaucoup comparé à Simon & Garfunkel à ses débuts
Q: The lazy description of Smith’s music also spawned a seemingly endless stream of comparisons to an urban folk singer of a different era, Paul Simon. The further similarity between the two—Smith’s Good Will Hunting contributions being analogous to Simon’s for The Graduate—merely added fuel to the fire.
A: “That used to really get on my nerves,” he says. “But now I feel bad for letting it rub me the wrong way, because I kind of ran my mouth off about Paul Simon, and it wasn’t very nice.”
The Beach Boys
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Est-ce que qqn qui fait de la pop n'a pas été inspiré par les Beach Boys ! (oui je copie)
"There seems to be a hint of the Beach Boys on Bled White and I Didn't Understand. Any direct influence from them?
No, I didn't think about the Beach Boys. I liked some songs on Pet Sounds but it took me a while to come around to them because of all their songs about cars and surfing. It's a little too all-American for me. But they're really musical. I like that."
T. Rex
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"The Comparatively upbeat new minset was accompanied by a taste for assertive, catchy rock. He was listening to music from way back, and he went through a huge Brit pop phase, says Morgan (Andrew). Telegram by T-Rex. We all thought it was a big dumb rock song, but he loved it."
Extrait de Elliott Smith and the big nothing
The Left Banke
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""Mary Lou Lord cite a song by the 60's pop band Left Banke (famous for "Don't Walk away Renee) as a likely progenitor for Smith style. Smith had "gone on about Left Banke" when they were discussing influences, and she identified Smith's vocal styles in the short-lived New York City pop band's only hit singles besides "Don't Walk Away Renee": " Pretty Ballerina" " The vocals were very similar to Elliott's she notes.
Sure enough, the singer's mannerisms are startingly like Smith's, and the melody and strings arrangements would have fit in perfectly in XO. The voice sounds almost the same, half plummy, half nasal, slightly tremulous. The piano line is catchy but betrays a certain sadness. "It's pretty weird and kind of dark and so was Eliott""
Extrait de Elliott Smith and the big nothing
Sufjan Stevens
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Celui qui se rapproche le plus d'Elliott au niveau de la recherche dans ses textes.
Frank Ocean
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Dans la chanson "Seigfried ";"A fond farewell"d'Elliott Smith y est directement samplée.