♥ Les lectures de Sylvia Plath ♥
21 livres
créée il y a presque 3 ans · modifiée il y a plus d’un anL'Énorme Chambrée (1922)
The Enormous Room
Sortie : mai 2006 (France). Roman
livre de E.E. Cummings
Annotation :
Journal - Nuit du 20 au 21 Septembre 1952
Ulysse (1922)
(traduction Auguste Morel)
Sortie : 1929 (France). Roman
livre de James Joyce
Annotation :
Journal - 29 Janvier 1953
"i am reading 'Ulysses'. god it is unbelievably semantically big, great, mind cracking, and even webster's is a sterile impotent enuch as far as conceiving word goes..."
Le Double (1846)
(traduction André Markowicz)
Двойник (Dvoïnik)
Sortie : 1846 (France). Roman
livre de Fiodor Dostoïevski
Mutine-Lolita l'a mis en envie.
Annotation :
Plath wrote her college thesis on Dostoevsky’s The Double, a novella about a man at odds with his doppelgänger. “Dostoevsky, who is to me in intellectual writing what Dylan is to me in emotional lyricizing,” she told a boyfriend in March 1954.
Source : https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/roundtable/sylvia-plath-reading-list
L'Idiot (1870)
(traduction André Markowicz)
Sortie : 1993 (France). Roman
livre de Fiodor Dostoïevski
Annotation :
Même source
“I’ll never get over the experience of reading The Idiot and Brothers Karamazov and fear that I shall walk around carrying the much-underlined books in a small satchel and quoting voluminously from them at the slightest provocation.”
Les Frères Karamazov (1880)
(traduction André Markowicz)
Brat'ya Karamazovy
Sortie : 2002 (France). Roman
livre de Fiodor Dostoïevski
Annotation :
Même remarque
Guerre et Paix (1867)
(traduction Elisabeth Guertik)
Война и мир (Voyna i mir)
Sortie : 1953 (France). Roman, Aventures, Histoire
livre de Léon Tolstoï
Annotation :
Mai 1954
"It is psychologically difficult to finish War & Peace in the middle of the afternoon and instead of going on a fine, stellar, wine-cellar binge, to pick up 950 pages of microscopically printed Anna Karenina, and proceed without even a coffee break."
Source : https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/roundtable/sylvia-plath-reading-list
Anna Karénine (1878)
(Traduction Henri Mongault)
Anna Karenina
Sortie : 1936 (France). Roman
livre de Léon Tolstoï
Mutine-Lolita le lit actuellement.
Annotation :
Même remarque
Le soleil se lève aussi (1926)
The Sun Also Rises
Sortie : 1933 (France). Roman
livre de Ernest Hemingway
Mutine-Lolita a mis 7/10.
Annotation :
Juillet 1954 (correspondance avec le professeur Melvin Woody)
"Except for the bullfighting and fishing episodes, I find [it] different from the avalanche of sexily covered hardtalking paperbound books only because of the name hemingway on the cover…his short stories, esp. “hills like white elephants” and “the snows” are muchly superior to his novels, I think."
Gatsby le magnifique (1925)
(traduction Philippe Jaworski)
The Great Gatsby
Sortie : 2012 (France). Roman
livre de F. Scott Fitzgerald
Mutine-Lolita a mis 9/10 et l'a mis dans ses coups de cœur.
Annotation :
Même lettre
"there is miraculously no one like fitzgerald for describing the atmosphere of a cocktail party…no, not even eliot!"
Macbeth (1606)
(traduction Jean-Michel Desprats)
Sortie : 2002 (France). Théâtre
livre de William Shakespeare
Mutine-Lolita a mis 8/10.
Annotation :
Journal - 20 Février 1956
"And we stayed up till two last night virtuously reading Macbeth. Which was fine."
Le Ciel et l'Enfer (1956)
Heaven and Hell
Sortie : 1956 (Royaume-Uni). Essai
livre de Aldous Huxley
Annotation :
"[...] bought lots of books by Huxley: the most recent about 'HEaven and Hell': of antipodes in mind: reached under hypnosis or mescalin."
Le Seigneur des anneaux - Intégrale (1955)
(traduction : Francis Ledoux)
The Lord of the Rings
Sortie : 1973 (France). Roman, Fantasy
livre de J.R.R. Tolkien
Annotation :
Mars 1956
"was immensely moved by it" (correspondance avec la poétesse Lynne Lawner)
"In October 1960, she told her mother that her birthday that year might have been her best ever. She received a pair of red slippers lined in wool, plastic overshoes (two pairs, one for heels), pink champagne, and a chicken pie. She also received a new edition of The Lord of the Rings for her and her daughter to read together, and 'three wonderful slabs of strange cheeses for us to test. A gooey ripe brie, a superbly moldy blue stilton & a fat round Wensleydale in a cloth sack all its own.'"
Source : https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/roundtable/sylvia-plath-reading-list
Bilbo le Hobbit (1937)
(Traduction : Francis Ledoux)
The Hobbit
Sortie : 1969 (France). Roman, Fantasy
livre de J.R.R. Tolkien
Mutine-Lolita l'a mis en envie.
Annotation :
“started off the cast of characters that moves, enlarges, and immensifies in these books: I confess it moves me more than the Odyssey, or, for that matter, any epic I can think of at the moment.”
Source : https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/roundtable/sylvia-plath-reading-list
L'Attrape-Cœurs (1951)
(traduction Annie Saumont)
The Catcher in the Rye
Sortie : 1986 (France). Roman
livre de J. D. Salinger
Annotation :
Octobre 1956 (lettre à Ted Hughes)
"I feel very strangely about him for some reason; I am sure insanity is the most necessary state of a fine artist—that “divine madness” where the terror & piercing insights he has daily are not locked in retreat or raving but made into works of art; a kind of flickering wild light of susceptibility playing over psychic states which, if frozen, become intolerable and result in madness. I wish I knew more about j.d. salinger."
Journal d'un écrivain (1953)
A Writer’s Diary
Sortie : 5 octobre 2000 (France). Journal & carnet
livre de Virginia Woolf et Leonard Woolf
Annotation :
Mars 1957 (correspondance avec sa mère)
“although my book reads more like a slick best-seller than anything. Her moods & neuroses are amazing. You must read this diary. Most illuminating.”
L'Amant de Lady Chatterley (1928)
(Traduction Frédéric Roger-Cornaz)
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Sortie : 1931 (France). Roman
livre de D. H. Lawrence
Annotation :
23 Février 1958
“from coffee till teatime at six, I read Lady Chatterley’s Lover, drawn back again with the joy of a woman living with her own gamekeeper, and Women in Love & Sons & Lovers. Love, love: why do I feel I would have known & loved Lawrence—how many women must feel this & be wrong!”
Femmes amoureuses (1920)
Women in love
Sortie : 1932 (France).
livre de D. H. Lawrence
Annotation :
Même extrait
Ce que savait Maisie (1897)
What Maisie Knew
Sortie : 1897. Roman
livre de Henry James
Mutine-Lolita l'a mis en envie.
Annotation :
Journal - 22 Avril 1958
"ironically, Henry James’ biography comforts me & I long to make known to him his posthumous reputation—he wrote, in pain, gave all his life (which is more than I could think of doing—I have Ted, will have children—but few friends) & the critics insulted & mocked him, readers didn't read him. I am made, crudely, for success. Does failure whet my blade?"
Vers le phare (1927)
(traduction Françoise Pellan)
To the Lighthouse
Sortie : 1996 (France). Roman
livre de Virginia Woolf
Les Ailes de la colombe (1902)
The Wings of the Dove
Sortie : 1953 (France). Roman
livre de Henry James
Tendre est la nuit (1934)
Tender is the Night
Sortie : 1951 (France). Roman
livre de F. Scott Fitzgerald
Mutine-Lolita l'a mis en envie.