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8 albums

créée il y a 12 mois · modifiée il y a 11 mois
The Pink Panther (OST)

The Pink Panther (OST) (1963)

Sortie : 1963 (France). Score, Soundtrack, Jazz

Bande-originale de Henry Mancini

Gitaroo a mis 8/10.

Blake Edwards’ The Return of the Pink Panther (OST)

Blake Edwards’ The Return of the Pink Panther (OST) (1975)

Sortie : 1975 (France). Soundtrack, Stage & Screen

Bande-originale de Henry Mancini

Gitaroo a mis 8/10.

The Pink Panther Strikes Again (OST)

The Pink Panther Strikes Again (OST) (1976)

Sortie : 1976 (France). Pop, Score, Easy Listening

Bande-originale de Henry Mancini

Gitaroo a mis 8/10.

Revenge of the Pink Panther (OST)

Revenge of the Pink Panther (OST) (1978)

Sortie : 1978 (France). Soundtrack, Disco, Funk

Bande-originale de Henry Mancini

Gitaroo a mis 8/10.

A Shot in the Dark (OST)

A Shot in the Dark (OST) (1964)

Sortie : 1964 (France).

Bande-originale de Henry Mancini

Gitaroo a mis 8/10.

Trail of the Pink Panther (OST)

Trail of the Pink Panther (OST) (1982)

Sortie : 1982 (France). Bande-originale

Bande-originale de Henry Mancini

Gitaroo a mis 8/10.

Hatari! (OST)

Hatari! (OST) (1962)

Sortie : 1962 (France). Score, Easy Listening, Jazz

Bande-originale de Henry Mancini

Gitaroo a mis 7/10.

Curse of the Pink Panther (OST)

Curse of the Pink Panther (OST) (2010)

Sortie : 20 septembre 2010 (France). Bande-originale

Bande-originale de Henry Mancini

Gitaroo a mis 7/10.


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