Meilleures rimes
7 morceaux
créée il y a presque 9 ans · modifiée il y a plus de 8 ansSuperman (2002)
Superman (feat. Dina Rae)
05 min. Sortie : 28 mai 2002 (France). Rap/hip hop/R&B
Annotation :
"But I guess that's just what sluts do, how could it ever be just us two
I'd never love you enough to trust you, we just met and I just fucked you..."
When I'm Gone (2005)
When I'm Gone
04 min. Sortie : 6 décembre 2005 (France). Rap/hip hop/R&B
Morceau de Eminem
Annotation :
"Daddy please, Daddy don't leave, Daddy - no stop it!"
Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket
It's got a picture,
"This'll keep you safe Daddy, take it witcha"
Stan (2001)
Stan (feat. Dido)
05 min. Sortie : 26 novembre 2001 (France). Rap/hip hop/R&B
Annotation :
But what's this shit you said about you like to cut your wrists, too?
I say that shit just clowning dogg,
c'mon - how fucked up is you?
La Légende de la nonne (2001)
La Légende de la nonne
03 min. Sortie : 2001 (France).
Morceau de Georges Brassens
Annotation :
On voit des biches qui remplacent
Leurs beaux cerfs par des sangliers
Enfants, voici des boufs qui passent
Cachez vos rouges tabliers
04 min.
Morceau de Eminem et Skylar Grey
Annotation :
To take my belt, word to Pacquiao
Momma said there ain't nothing else to talk about
Gotta go in that ring and knock them out
Or you better not come out