Cover Mon amour pour KG&TLW

Mon amour pour KG&TLW

Mes pistes favorites de King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, dans un ordre approximatif.
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16 morceaux

créée il y a presque 9 ans · modifiée il y a presque 9 ans
Wah Wah

Wah Wah

02 min.

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

I can feel the earth is moving
Underneath my hoofed foots earthings
Fire protrudes from whence I'm pointing
Fading every jewel

Thronged upon the rock and metal
There's a horde inside this temple
Mass around your favorite devil
Learn to make them cry

See him hover way up high
He is the bat with 16 eyes
He has a thirst to satisfy
A craving for your blood

Now here come the wolves with whips
And 40 goats with pitchfork sticks
And look there is a lunatic
He wants to make you cry

I'm the chieftain of your feelings
I'm the God of air you're breathing
You can not escape my dealing
I will make you cry

Robot Stop

Robot Stop

05 min.

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

My body's overworked
It's just the same I know
When can my body work
Cold static overload?
My body works, I know
It's just the same I know
My only difference
Is robot influence

The River

The River

10 min.

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

Once you're where I led
It will be clear what I have said
Float without a home
The river flows like another long road

Head On/Pill

Head On/Pill

15 min.

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

Just yesterday I set a cross through my list
They were connected to me
And I couldn't see cause my eyes were in me
Hold me up straight while I screw my
Head on
Head on



03 min.

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

You can colour everything you see
It's so strange with cellophane
Cellophane !



Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

And some people say it's on their radar
But they drive a million miles in their fast car
I know it's so invisible
But it don't make no sense at all



Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

Everybody knows what's under their door
And everybody goes to great lengths for sure
To hide themselves away
And keep the beast at bay
Cos everybody knows

N.G.R.I. (Bloodstain)

N.G.R.I. (Bloodstain)

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

Everyone thinks I am shallow
When I'm hiding in my room
Safe within my zone
All the demons that I summon
Wipe the blood off of the floor
It’s my only law

The Bitter Boogie

The Bitter Boogie

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

From the first glance
Had no chance
Making exceptions
That would outlast
Searching for a new obsession
Yet I'm too bitter
To reconsider
My options twice
Before I ask for your advice

Hot Water

Hot Water

03 min.

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

Everybody's standing in
Hot Water
Hot Water
Hot Water
Hot Water
Hot Water
Hot Water
Hot Water
Hot Water

Am I in Heaven?

Am I in Heaven?

07 min.

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

Got ideas in my brain
About the end of the world
That I won't even say
And all the bricks that built our brain
Will be turned into sand by the eternal wave

Oh if we save her
We'll live on a star
Mother Nature
Made everybody else so far

God Is Calling Me Back Home

God Is Calling Me Back Home

04 min.

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

Meet me at the house on the top of the hill
I've got two important people that I'm ready to kill
I'll just flunk or fail so give me something better to do

Santa's on the roof, with his presents and sack
He's got one hand with a blade and the other's an axe
Oh, I'll just flunk or fail so give me something better to do

Then I hear God call
And all my hate is gone
I hear Him calling me back home

Satan Speeds Up

Satan Speeds Up

03 min.

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

Every life is like a song that takes forever to be sung
When all our silly games wreak havoc on our spoils
When I stop to think of all that we've done
Satan's at the door

I’m in Your Mind Fuzz

I’m in Your Mind Fuzz

02 min.

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

So I'm going to break the 4th wall.

Float Along – Fill Your Lungs

Float Along – Fill Your Lungs

06 min.

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

I saw you in the carpet shades
Then I felt you like a baby's face
Just float along and fill your lungs
Flot along and breathe a deep breath

I saw you in the paper folds
And I saw you in my coffee mug
Just float along and fill your lungs
Float along and breathe a deep breath

Her and I (Slow Jam 2)

Her and I (Slow Jam 2)

08 min.

Morceau de King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard

Annotation :

It wouldn't hurt to give you more my love
The sun shines through into a wave of thought


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