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8 morceaux

créée il y a environ 9 ans · modifiée il y a environ 9 ans
Pauvre Ruteboeuf

Pauvre Ruteboeuf

03 min.

Morceau de Joan Baez

Annotation :

Que sont mes amis devenus
Que j'avais de si près tenus
Et tant aimés
Ils ont été trop clairsemés
Je crois le vent les a ôtés
L'amour est morte
Ce sont amis que vent me porte
Et il ventait devant ma porte
Les emporta

Do You Remember Walter?

Do You Remember Walter? (1969)

Do You Remember Walter?

02 min. Sortie : janvier 1969 (France). Pop rock

Morceau de The Kinks

Annotation :

Walter, you are just an echo of a world I knew so long ago
Walter, if you saw me now you wouldn't even know my name

What's Happened to You, My Dearest Friend

What's Happened to You, My Dearest Friend

03 min.

Morceau de Another Sunny Day

Annotation :

We were both young once
Young and proud to feel so carefree
Days of innocence
But people can change and they do so easily

Frozen Smiles

Frozen Smiles (1972)

Frozen Smiles

02 min. Sortie : 5 avril 1972 (France).

Morceau de Crosby & Nash

Annotation :

I don't know if I'll break or only bend
You're supposed to be my friend

Old Friends

Old Friends

02 min.

Morceau de Simon & Garfunkel

Annotation :

Old friends, memory brushes the same years
Silently sharing the same fears

Two Old Friends

Two Old Friends (1973)

Two Old Friends

03 min. Sortie : 1973 (France).

Morceau de Magna Carta

Annotation :

We said what we were gonna do
When we were grown and ready
To take on the world with a song
And now the tune is one
You can’t remember

Boat Behind

Boat Behind (2009)

Boat Behind

03 min. Sortie : octobre 2009 (France).

Morceau de Kings of Convenience

Annotation :

So we meet again after several years
Several years of separation
Moving on, moving around
Till we spend this time
Chasing the other's tail

Dear Friend

Dear Friend

05 min.

Morceau de Wings

Annotation :

Dear friend, what's the time?
Is this really the borderline?


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