Cover Recommandations de lecture de Naval Ravikant

Recommandations de lecture de Naval Ravikant

Naval Ravikant est un entrepreneur et investisseur américain. Il est le co-fondateur, président et ancien PDG d'AngelList. Il a investi au stade précoce dans plus de 200 entreprises, incluant ...

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39 livres

créée il y a environ 1 an · modifiée il y a environ 1 an

Sapiens (2011)

Une brève histoire de l'humanité

Sortie : 2015 (France). Essai, Histoire

livre de Yuval Noah Harari

RealMammon a mis 8/10.

Annotation :

"A history of the human species. The observations, frameworks, and mental models will have you looking at history and your fellow humans differently.

Sapiens is the best book of the last decade I have read. He had decades to write Sapiens. There’s lots of great ideas in there and it’s just full of them, chock full per page."

Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves

Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves (2011)

Sortie : 31 mars 2011. Culture & société

livre de Matt Ridley

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"The most brilliant and enlightening book I've read in years. He has written four of my top 20 books.

Everything else written by Matt Ridley. Matt is a scientist, optimist, and forward thinker. One of my favorite authors. I’ve read everything of his, and reread everything of his."

Génome : Autobiographie de l'espèce humaine en vingt-trois chapitres

Génome : Autobiographie de l'espèce humaine en vingt-trois chapitres


Sortie : 13 septembre 2001 (France). Culture & société

livre de Matt Ridley

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

The Evolution of Everything

The Evolution of Everything

How New Ideas Emerge

Sortie : 3 novembre 2015 (France).

livre de Matt Ridley

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Skin in the game

Skin in the game (2018)

Hidden Asymmetries In Daily Life

Sortie : 27 février 2018. Essai

livre de Nassim-Nicholas Taleb

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"The best book I've read in 2018, I highly recommend it. Lots of great ideas in there. Lots of good mental models and constructs. He has a bit of an attitude, but he has that because he's brilliant, and it's okay. So just look past the attitude and read the book, learn the concepts. It's one of the best business books I've ever read. And luckily, it doesn't masquerade as a business book. "

The Bed of Procrustes

The Bed of Procrustes (2010)

The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms

Sortie : 30 novembre 2010. Essai

livre de Nassim-Nicholas Taleb

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"This is his collection of ancient wisdom."



Sortie : 23 août 2013 (France).

livre de Nassim-Nicholas Taleb

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Le Cygne noir

Le Cygne noir (2007)

La puissance de l'imprévisible

The Black swan

Sortie : septembre 2008 (France). Essai, Philosophie

livre de Nassim-Nicholas Taleb

RealMammon a mis 8/10.

Le Hasard sauvage

Le Hasard sauvage

Comment la chance nous trompe

Fooled by Randomness

Sortie : octobre 2005 (France). Essai

livre de Nassim-Nicholas Taleb

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Six Easy Pieces

Six Easy Pieces (1998)

Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher

Sortie : 24 septembre 1998. Sciences

livre de Richard Phillips Feynman

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"I would give my kids a copy of Richard Feynman's Six Easy Pieces and Six Not-So-Easy Pieces: Einstein’s Relativity, Symmetry, and Space. Richard Feynman is a famous physicist. I love both his demeanor as well as his understanding of physics. "

Six not-so-easy pieces

Six not-so-easy pieces

Sortie : septembre 1999 (France). Essai, Sciences, Version originale

livre de Richard Feynman

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Le Génial Professeur Feynman

Le Génial Professeur Feynman (1992)

Genius: the life and science of Richard Feynman

Sortie : 26 octobre 1994 (France). Biographie

livre de James Gleick

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Thing Explainer

Thing Explainer

Complicated Stuff in Simple Words

Sortie : 24 novembre 2015 (France).

livre de Randall Munroe

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"A great book by Randall Munroe (creator of xkcd, a very science-oriented webcomic.) In this book, he explains very complicated concepts, all the way from climate change to physical systems to submarines while only using the 1,000 most common words in the English language. He called the Saturn Five rocket “Up Goer Five.” You can’t define a rocket as a spaceship or a rocket. It’s self-referential. He says “up goer.” It’s this thing that goes up. Kids get it right away. "

The Lessons of History

The Lessons of History (1968)

Sortie : 1968. Histoire

livre de Will Durant et Ariel Durant

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"This is a great book I really liked which summarizes some of the larger themes of history, very incisive. And unlike most history books, it's actually really small, and it covers a lot of ground."

Poor Charlie’s Almanack

Poor Charlie’s Almanack (2005)

Sortie : 1 janvier 2005. Culture et société


RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"This masquerades as a business book, but it's really just Charlie Munger's (of Berkshire Hathaway) advice on overcoming oneself to live a successful and virtuous life.

Part biography and part collection of Charlie’s speeches, this is the only book on Munger you need. (Naval quotes Munger often, and the quotes are all from this book.)"

Reality Is Not What It Seems

Reality Is Not What It Seems

The journey to quantum gravity

Sortie : 2 juin 2016 (France).

livre de Carlo Rovelli

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"This is the best book I've read in the last year. Physics, poetry, philosophy, and history packaged in a very accessible form."

Sept brèves leçons de physique

Sept brèves leçons de physique

Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

Sortie : 24 septembre 2015 (France). Culture et société

livre de Carlo Rovelli

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"I’ve read this one at least twice."

The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World

The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World (2012)

The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World

Sortie : 29 mai 2012. Culture et société

livre de David Deutsch

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"Not the easiest read, but it made me smarter. "

Comment réussir dans un monde d'égoïstes

Comment réussir dans un monde d'égoïstes (1984)

The Evolution of Cooperation

Sortie : février 2006 (France). Essai, Politique & économie

livre de Robert Axelrod

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Le livre de la méditation et de la vie

Le livre de la méditation et de la vie

Le livre de la méditation et de la vie

Sortie : 1997 (France). Essai

livre de Jiddu Krishnamurti

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"Krishnamurti is a lesser-known guy, an indian philosopher who lived at the turn of the last century and is extremely influential to me. He’s an uncompromising, very direct person who basically tells you to look at your own mind at all times. I have been hugely influenced by him. Probably the best book is The Book of Life, which is excerpts from his various speeches and books stitched together.

I'll give my kids a copy of The Book of Life. I'll tell them to save it until they're older because it won't make much sense while they're younger. "

Krishnamurti - La nécessité d'être seul

Krishnamurti - La nécessité d'être seul

Vie pratique

livre de Jiddu Krishnamurti

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"I like this for someone who’s more advanced. A rationalist’s guide to the perils of the human mind. The “spiritual” book I keep returning to. "


Siddhartha (1922)

Siddhartha. Eine indische Dichtung.

Sortie : 1975 (France). Roman

livre de Hermann Hesse

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"I love this as a classic book on philosophy, a good introduction for someone starting out. I’ve given out more copies of this book than any other."

Le  livre des méditations

Le livre des méditations

Sortie : 1987 (France). Vie pratique

livre de Osho Rajneesh

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"Most meditation techniques are concentration methods, and there are many, many meditation techniques. If you want to run through a bunch of them, you can pick up pick up a book called The Book of Secrets by Osho. I know he's gotten a bad rap recently, but he was he was a pretty smart guy. It's actually a translation of an old Sanskrit book with 112 different meditations. You can try each one, and see which one works for you."

La Mort, l'Ultime Illusion

La Mort, l'Ultime Illusion

Vie pratique

livre de Osho Rajneesh

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

The Untethered Soul

The Untethered Soul (2007)

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

Sortie : 3 octobre 2007. Art de vivre et spiritualité, Philosophie

livre de Michael A. Singer

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Pensées pour moi-même

Pensées pour moi-même

suivi du Manuel d'Épictète (traduction Mario Meunier)

Ta eis heauton

Sortie : 1 janvier 1964 (France). Aphorismes & pensées, Philosophie

livre de Marc-Aurèle et Épictète

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"Marcus Aurelius was absolutely life changing for me. It's the personal diary of the Emperor of Rome. Here's a guy who was probably the most powerful human being on Earth at the time he lived. He’s writing a diary to himself, never expecting it to be published. When you open this book, you realize he had all the same issues and all the same mental struggles, he was trying to be a better person. Right there, you figure out success and power don't improve your internal state, you still have to work on it."

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It (2012)

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It

Sortie : 7 juin 2012. Essai


RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"I’ve actually been reading my brother’s book, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It. I thought it was very succinctly written. (Obviously a plug for my bro.) He’s the philosopher in the family — I’m just the amateur. He has a great line in his book:

I once asked a monk how he found peace.

"I say 'yes,'" he said. "To all that happens, I say 'yes.'""

Voyage aux confins de l'esprit

Voyage aux confins de l'esprit (2019)

Ce que le LSD et la psilocybine nous apprennent sur nous-mêmes, la conscience, la mort, les addictions et la dépression

Sortie : 22 octobre 2019. Récit

livre de Michael Pollan

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"There's a good book Michael Pollan wrote recently called How to Change your Mind, and I think it is a brilliant book everybody should read.

The book discusses psychedelics. Psychedelics are a bit of a cheat code in self-observation. I don't recommend drugs for anybody, you can do it all through pure meditation. If you want to accelerate ahead, you know, psychedelics are good for that. "

Pensées percutantes

Pensées percutantes

La Sagesse du combattant philosophe

Sortie : février 2003 (France). Aphorismes & pensées

livre de Bruce Lee

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"Oddly enough, Bruce Lee wrote some great philosophy and Striking Thoughts is a good summary of some of his philosophy."

Le Prophète

Le Prophète (1923)

The Prophet

Sortie : 1926 (France). Essai, Poésie

livre de Khalil Gibran

RealMammon l'a mis en envie.

Annotation :

"This book reads like a modern-day poetic religious tome. It’s up there with the Bhagavad Gita, the Tao Te Ching, the Bible, and the Qur’an. It is written in the style where it has a feel of religiosity and truth, but it was very approachable, beautiful, non-denominational, and non-sectarian. I loved this book.

He has a gift for poetically describing what children are like, what lovers are like, what marriage should be like, how you should treat your enemies and your friends, how you should work with money, what can you think of every time you have to kill something to eat it. I felt, like the great religious books, it gave a very deep, very philosophical, but very true answer to how to approach the major problems in life. I recommend the prophet to anybody, whether you’re religious or not. Whether you are Christian, Hindu, Jewish, or Atheist. I think it’s a beautiful book, and it’s worth reading."


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