Autism and Asperger Syndrom in Adults
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Auteur :
Luke BeardonGenre : EssaiDate de publication (pays d'origine) : mai 2017Langue d'origine : AnglaisÉditeur :
Sheldon PressRésumé : Estimated to affect just over 1 per cent of the adult population in the UK - some 700,000 individuals – autism is still persistently viewed as a disorder or impairment – but, this concept needs to be challenged. Written by a university lecturer with several years’ experience in the field, this book presents an up-to-date overview of autism and Asperger syndrome, and comments on the realities of adult life including further and higher education, employment, dating and parenthood. For autistic children, teenagers and adults, their families and friends, and any professionals interested in autism. Topics include: Terminology and what’s preferred Common myths and stereotypes Diagnosis and related issues Tips for undiagnosed adults Understanding how autism impacts on the individual Sensory issues Transition into adulthood Friendships and intimate relationships The Criminal Justice System - what happens when autistic people break the law In this sensitive and insightful book, Dr Luke Beardon asserts that there are many hugely intelligent, empathic, kind, caring, loyal and skilled autistic individuals – so it’s time to treat them as such and respect their differences.