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Constructive Anatomy
Fiche technique
Auteur :
George BridgmanGenre : Vie pratiqueDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 1920Langue d'origine : AnglaisParution France : 25 mars 1974ISBN : 9780486211046, 9780486211046, 9781420934298Résumé : Introduction The drawings that arc presented here show the concept ions that have proved simplest and most effective in constructing the human figure. The eve in drawing must follow a line or a plane or a mass. In the process ot drawing, this may become a moving" line, or a moving plane, or a moving mass. The line, in actual construction, must come first ; but as mental construction must precede physical, so the concept ol mass must come tirst. that ol plane second, that oi line last. Think in masses, define them in lines. .Masses ot about the same size or proportion are conceived not as masses, but as one mass; those ot difterent proportions, in respect to their movement, are conceived as wcilaui;/ into each other, or as morticed or interlocking. The cllective conception is that ot wedging.