Fiche technique

Auteur :

J.G. Ballard
Genre : RécitDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 2012Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

Fourth Estate
Aussi connu sous le nom de : Collected Interviews

Résumé : J.G.Ballard was a literary giant, his novels unique and surprising. From his suburban vantage point, the man hailed as ´the seer of Shepperton´ observed, captured and second-guessed, with eerie accuracy, modern society in flux. Now, for the first time, Extreme Metaphors collects the finest interviews of his career - the conversations that earned him his oracular reputation. Cultural figureheads such as Will Self, Iain Sinclair and David Cronenberg serve as Ballard´s interrogators, and this collection is an indispensable tribute to one of recent history´s most imaginative and incisive thinkers.