Fiche technique

Auteur :

Parke Godwin
Genre : RomanDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 1980Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

ISBN : 978-0380775514

Résumé : Enslaved for centuries, used and then abandoned by the Roman conquerors, Britain is a shattered land -- with petty warlords and tribal leaders fighting over its pieces like mongrel dogs. The time is ripe for a warrior-king who will unite this wounded realm -- and a young centurion courageously answers the call. name is Artorius Pendragon -- and it is his destiny conquer with indomitable iron. A man flawed, filth and painfully mortal -- a clear-eyed leader with a strong distaste for war's necessary cruelties -- he will know a glory unparalleled in historical ultimately, will lose his heart and his kingdom to greatest betrayal of all.