Fiche technique

Auteur :

Vashti Harrison
Genres : Anthologie, Version originale

Illustrateur :

Vashti Harrison
Date de publication (Royaume-Uni) : 2017Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

Penguin Random House
ISBN : 9780241346846

Résumé : Bold Women in Black History focuses on 40 black women throughout American history. All of these women contributed very differently to our history: some were scientists, some artists, politicians, pilots, mathematicians, poets, filmmakers, actresses, and so on. No matter what they did, there's one thing all of these women have in common: they're inspirational. These women all did something to make the world a better place for generations of women to come after them. In her thoughtful illustrations, Harrison imagines these women to be "little" versions of themselves, versions in which the children reading this book can easily see themselves reflected, because the stories aren't just stories of what these women have done–they're about what the children reading these stories can also accomplish.