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Auteur :

Yoko Tawada
Genre : RomanDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 2 mars 2017Langue d'origine : Japonais

Traducteur :

Susan Bernofsky
Parution France : 8 novembre 2016

Éditeur :

Portobello Books
ISBN : 978-1846276316

Résumé : Someone tickled me behind my ears, under my arms. I curled up, became a full moon, and rolled on the floor. I may also have emitted a few hoarse shrieks. Then I lifted my rump to the sky and tucked my head beneath my belly: Now I was a sickle moon, still too young to imagine any danger. Innocent, I opened my anus to the cosmos and felt it in my bowels. A bear, born and raised in captivity, is devastated by the loss of his keeper; another finds herself performing in the circus; a third sits down one day and pens a memoir which becomes an international sensation, and causes her to flee her home. Through the stories of these three bears, Tawada reflects on our own humanity, the ways in which we belong to one another and the ways in which we are formed.