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Fiche technique

Auteurs :

Gaby Allrath, Marion Gymnich
Genres : Essai, Cinéma & télévision, Version originaleDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 17 mars 2006Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

Palgrave Mc Millan Libri

Résumé : In the context of a systematic overview of the possibilities of applying narratological concepts to a study of TV series, ten case studies are explored in depth, demonstrating how series such as 24, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twin Peaks, Star Trek, Blackadder, and Sex and the City make use of innovative audiovisual means of storytelling. Transgressing the traditional confines of narrative theory, the chapter authors address the question of how form, content, and function intersect in these series.