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Auteur :

Jordan Castro
Genres : Recueil de nouvelles, Version originaleDate de publication (États-Unis) : 19 septembre 2019

Éditeurs :

Tyrant Books, Counterpoint
ISBN : 978-1593765644

Résumé : This anthology collects original writing and art by novelists, poets, and academics about their pets, including a killer chihuahua, a catatonic toy poodle, a contraband cat, a backyard full of endangered desert tortoises, five forgotten parakeets, and a skinny ex-racehorse named Joe. Edited by Jordan Castro with contributions by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Ann Beattie, Raegan Bird, Blake Butler, CAConrad, Ryan C. K. Choi, Michael W. Clune, Patty Yumi Cottrell, Annie DeWitt, Chelsea Hodson, Mark Leidner, Tao Lin, Scott McClanahan, Sarah Manguso, Chelsea Martin, Precious Okoyomon, Sam Pink, Nicolette Polek, Kathryn Scanlan, Christine Schutt, and Mallory Whitten.