Story Thieves
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Auteur :
James RileyGenres : Roman, JeunesseLangue d'origine : AnglaisAussi connu sous le nom de : Les Voleurs d'histoiresGroupe :
Les Voleurs d'histoiresRésumé : Life is boring when you live in the real world, instead of starring in your own book series. Owen knows that better than anyone, what with the real world’s homework and chores. But everything changes the day Owen sees the impossible happen—his classmate Bethany climb out of a book in the library. It turns out Bethany’s half-fictional and has been searching every book she can find for her missing father, a fictional character. Bethany can’t let anyone else learn her secret, so Owen makes her a deal: All she has to do is take him into a book in Owen’s favorite Kiel Gnomenfoot series, and he’ll never say a word. Besides, visiting the book might help Bethany find her father…