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Fiche technique

Auteur :

Yan Ge
Genre : Science-fictionDate de publication (Chine) : 13 juillet 2021Langue d'origine : Chinois

Traducteur :

Jeremy Tiang

Éditeur :

Melville House
ISBN : 978-1612199092

Résumé : In the fictional Chinese city of Yong’an, an amateur cryptozoologist is commissioned to uncover the stories of its fabled beasts. These creatures live alongside humans in near-inconspicuousness—save their greenish skin, serrated earlobes, and strange birthmarks. Aided by her elusive former professor and his enigmatic assistant, our narrator sets off to document each beast, and is slowly drawn deeper into a mystery that threatens her very sense of self. Part detective story, part metaphysical enquiry, Strange Beasts of China engages existential questions of identity, humanity, love and morality with whimsy and stylistic verve.