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Auteur :
David ShapiroGenre : RomanDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 5 juillet 2016Éditeur :
Tyrant BooksISBN : 978-0991360833Résumé : A loosely autobiographical novel inspired by an obsession for the global fashion phenomenon and brand, Supreme. David travels with his friend Camilla from New York to Japan and England to visit every Supreme store location on the globe. Supremacist is equal parts travel diary and love story for the Internet age, where a logo replaces the crucifix. David Shapiro is the creator of the hit blog Pitchfork Reviews Reviews and The World's First Perfect Zine. His first novel You're Not Much Use to Anyone was featured in VICE, BuzzFeed, The Village Voice, Refinery29, and blurbed by Tao Lin and Adelle Waldman. He has written for the New Yorker, the New York Observer, the Wall Street Journal, Interview, and other venues.