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Auteur :

Keith Richardson
Genres : Beau livre, Culture & sociétéDate de publication (Royaume-Uni) : 17 août 2012Langue d'origine : AnglaisParution France : 17 août 2012

Éditeur :

Rebellion 2000 AD
ISBN : 9781781080443

Résumé : He’s been the iconic legend of British comics for 35 years and now a unique collection of the best Judge Dredd cover art will hit stores in September. The Art of Judge Dredd celebrates the most stunning and innovative Judge Dredd-related covers, illustrated by some of the greatest talents in the comic book industry. With an introduction from Dredd’s co-creator John Wagner, this hardback dust-jacketed book uses original film from the 2000 AD archive to show art from the likes of Mick McMahon, Brian Bolland, Greg Staples, Cam Kennedy, Steve Dillon, and Carlos Ezquerra in all its glory. In a highly-collectable edition, creators, 2000 AD staff old and new, fans, and celebrities all give their views on the stunning and innovative covers that have made comic book history. Artwork has been re-scanned from original film to produce a fresh new collection - Creators, droids, and celebrities give their views on some of the all-time classic Dredd images - ‘Inside Story’ info boxes give you the background to some of Dredd’s most iconic covers