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The Bed of Procrustes
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Auteur :
Nassim-Nicholas TalebGenre : EssaiDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 30 novembre 2010Langue d'origine : AnglaisISBN : 978-0-8129-8240-4Résumé : A condensed guide to life from the bestselling author of The Black Swan, Nassim Nicholas Taleb's The Bed of Procrustes is an invaluable collection of aphorisms to help you navigate the modern world. Why are we so often unwilling to accept that life is unpredictable? In this brilliant book Nassim Nicholas Taleb distils his idiosyncratic wisdom to demolish our illusions, contrasting the classical values of courage, elegance and erudition against modern philistinism and phoniness. Only by accepting what we don't know, he shows, can we see the world as it really is.