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The Death of Expertise
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Auteur :
Tom NicholsGenre : EssaiDate de publication (pays d'origine) : Langue d'origine : AnglaisParution France : 27 avril 2017ISBN : 9780190469412Résumé : Powerful and scathing indictment of the many forces trying to undermine the authority of experts Ties the rise of anti-expertise sentiment and anti-intellectualism not only to the pervasiveness of the internet, but to other technologies such as the explosion of media options Concedes that experts do make mistakes, but argues that the key point is the ability of other well-informed experts to challenge these mistakes and lead to solutions (merci https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-death-of-expertise-9780190469412?cc=fr&lang=en& ) Preface Introduction. The Death of Expertise Chapter 1. Experts and Citizens Chapter 2. How Conversation Became Exhausting Chapter 3. Higher Education: The Customer Is Always Right Chapter 4. Let Me Google That for You: How Unlimited Information Is Making Us Dumber Chapter 5. The "New" New Journalism, and Lots of It Chapter 6. When the Experts Are Wrong Conclusion. Experts and Democracy