L'actualité sur The Death of nature

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The Death of nature

1990 • livre de Carolyn Merchant

Résumé : An examination of the Scientific Revolution that shows how the mechanistic world view of modern science has sanctioned the exploitation of nature, unrestrained commercial expansion, and a new socioeconomic order that subordinates women.


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Béryl Lao

a attribué 8/10 au livre

The Death of nature

1990 • livre de Carolyn Merchant

Résumé : An examination of the Scientific Revolution that shows how the mechanistic world view of modern science has sanctioned the exploitation of nature, unrestrained commercial expansion, and a new socioeconomic order that subordinates women.


a attribué 8/10 au livre

The Death of nature

1990 • livre de Carolyn Merchant

Résumé : An examination of the Scientific Revolution that shows how the mechanistic world view of modern science has sanctioned the exploitation of nature, unrestrained commercial expansion, and a new socioeconomic order that subordinates women.


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