Fiche technique

Auteur :

Sam Pink
Genre : RomanDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 1 mai 2018

Éditeur :

Soft Skull Press
ISBN : 978-1593766818

Résumé : From the freezing alleys of Chicago to the dew-blanketed bayou of Florida. From bouncing drunks and cleaning up puke to biking through the swamp laughing at peacocks. Freeze to thaw. Filth and broken glass and black water backed up in showers; lizards and Girl Scouts and themed birthday parties. A baby rat freed from the bottom of a dumpster becomes a white ibis wandering the wet driveway after a storm. Goodbye, hello, goodbye. It was the garbage times; it was time for something else. A tale of two tales, connected by a mysterious sunlit portal. Designed with tête-bêche binding as a single volume.