The Greening of Marxism
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Auteur :
Ted BentonGenres : Essai, Culture et sociétéDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 2 septembre 1996Langue d'origine : AnglaisÉditeur :
The Guilford PressISBN : 9781572301191Résumé : When the ecological movement emerged in the 1960s, it warned that continued consumerism and growth would lead to ecological catastrophe. This "green" philosophy represented a challenge to the basic tenets of Marxism, which traditionally ignored issues of ecological sustainability. Tracing the history of the integration of ecological understanding with Marxist philosophy, The Greening of Marxism explores the influence of green politics on Marxism, examines the new politics emerging from these movements, and shows how red\n-\green alliances can transform the political landscape.