The sublime and the ordinary in an English province

It is a novel about a brother and a sister , Tom and Maggie Tulliver and their growing up in a mill whose proprietor is their father in a small provincial town . They grow up together learning to love each other in spite of differences in character. For Maggie is a sublime creature with long dark hair , quick at learning, curious and turned to introspection. Tom is on the contrary an ordinary boy, realistic and turned to simple common understanding, down to earth and small gains and preoccupations. They seem to get on quite well as small children, and learnt to enjoy each other's company but as they grow older differences become more evident
This a novel of a great potential . because it is about nature and temperament and the way that an individual comes in his or her personal happiness inspite his or her family's background..
Maggie's life is at the centre of this mid-nineteenth century novel as it represents a creature full of talent .sensitive and capable of greater understanding and above all attached to family especially to her brother. This out of ordinary heroine has learnt as she grows older the impossiblity of achieving harmony in life between her family and other ties that came ti her afterwards. It is either one member of her family that will suffer from her choice or she will have to renounce this fresh love that has come to her.
It is a brilliant novel about nature, and temperament and the best way that a personality comes to his or her peak.
Maggie's perfect understanding destined her to another life, life of liberty of thought and act without being tied to destitute ordinary routine things.
It is a novel of a great potential. It is a realistic novel on the surface of things but so full of hidden symbolism . To begin with, the mill as a place of dream , water of purification, of flood as an action of catharsis that presuppose that or renewal.
It is a novel of great talent, the one that springs in the surroundings of a small town and has had difficulty in getting across his or her thought.
It is a novel about life, love sibling love but also love between man and a woman.

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le 25 oct. 2016

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