SensCritique>Livres>Essai>Tyneside Neighbourhoods: Deprivation, Social Life and Social Behaviour in One British City>Details
Tyneside Neighbourhoods: Deprivation, Social Life and Social Behaviour in One British City
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Titre original : Tyneside Neighbourhoods: Deprivation, Social Life and Social Behaviour in One British City
Auteur :
Daniel NettleGenre : EssaiDate de publication (pays d'origine) : décembre 2015Éditeur :
Open Book PublishersISBN : 978-1-78374-188-5Résumé : Nettle’s book presents the results of five years of comparative ethnographic fieldwork in two different neighbourhoods of the same British city, Newcastle upon Tyne. The neighbourhoods are only a few kilometres apart, yet whilst one is relatively affluent, the other is amongst the most economically deprived in the UK.