Fiche technique

Titre original : Wicked woman of Tudor England : Queens, Aristocrats, Commoners

Auteur :

Retha M. Warnicke
Date de publication (pays d'origine) : Langue d'origine : AnglaisParution France : 10 avril 2012ISBN : 9781137032375Aussi connu sous le nom de : Wicked woman of Tudor England

Résumé : This fascinating and occasionally salacious historical study delves into the lives of six Tudor women celebrated for their reputed wickedness. Collected here are illuminating accounts of Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard, the two consorts of Henry VIII who were executed for adultery; Anne Seymour, duchess of Somerset, and Lettice Dudley, countess of Essex and Leicester, two defamed noblewomen; and Jane and Alice More, the two wives of Sir Thomas More who were charged with contrariness and shrewishness.