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Auteur :

William Law
Genre : EssaiDate de publication (Royaume-Uni) : 1732Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeurs :

William Innys, J.M. Dent & Sons, E.P. Dutton and Company

Résumé : This examination of the Christian life constitutes one of the most remarkable books of devotion ever written. William Law's book dates from 1728, a decade before England's great evangelical revival, during which it exercised a significant influence on the movement's leaders. A Serious Call has been praised by readers as varied as Samuel Johnson, Edward Gibbon, and John Wesley. "If Mr. Law finds a spark of piety in a reader's mind, he will soon kindle it into a flame," declared Gibbon, and Wesley pronounced Law's work as one of the books that formed his "explicit resolve to be all devoted to God." (J.H. Overton)