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Auteur :

Ryohgo Narita
Genres : Nouvelle, Fantastique

Illustrateur :

Katsumi Enami
Date de publication (Japon) : 10 février 2003Langue d'origine : JaponaisParution France : 19 avril 2016

Éditeurs :

Yen On, Little, Brown and Company
ISBN : 9780316270373

Groupe :


Résumé : New York, 1927.In a corrupt city where crime rules the streets, Firo Prochainezo is in the Camorra, an Italian criminal syndicate distinct from the mafia. Though a member of the relatively small Martillo family, Firo has big ambitions and is determined to make his mark. But while the Martillos may not be the biggest bad guys on the block, they've got some distinct advantages working in their favor. Does Firo have what it takes to become a made man?Let the crazy ruckus begin!