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a attribué 8/10 au livre

Berserk - The Flame Dragon Knight

Berserk Honō Ryū no Kishi

2017 • livre de Makoto Fukami, Kentarō Miura et Takashi Yamashita

Résumé : The Flame Dragon Knight traces the rise of the warhammer-wielding warrior Grunbeld from humble beginnings to become the all-powerful Apostle who will one day face Guts in mortal combat! Featuring all the grisly supernatural action and sinister courtly intrigue Berserk readers have come to expect.

Judo Le Déchu
Berserk - The Flame Dragon Knight

Berserk Honō Ryū no Kishi

2017 • livre de Makoto Fukami, Kentarō Miura et Takashi Yamashita

Résumé : The Flame Dragon Knight traces the rise of the warhammer-wielding warrior Grunbeld from humble beginnings to become the all-powerful Apostle who will one day face Guts in mortal combat! Featuring all the grisly supernatural action and sinister courtly intrigue Berserk readers have come to expect.


a attribué 9/10 au livre

Berserk - The Flame Dragon Knight

Berserk Honō Ryū no Kishi

2017 • livre de Makoto Fukami, Kentarō Miura et Takashi Yamashita

Résumé : The Flame Dragon Knight traces the rise of the warhammer-wielding warrior Grunbeld from humble beginnings to become the all-powerful Apostle who will one day face Guts in mortal combat! Featuring all the grisly supernatural action and sinister courtly intrigue Berserk readers have come to expect.

Berserk - The Flame Dragon Knight

Berserk Honō Ryū no Kishi

2017 • livre de Makoto Fukami, Kentarō Miura et Takashi Yamashita

Résumé : The Flame Dragon Knight traces the rise of the warhammer-wielding warrior Grunbeld from humble beginnings to become the all-powerful Apostle who will one day face Guts in mortal combat! Featuring all the grisly supernatural action and sinister courtly intrigue Berserk readers have come to expect.

Ἀτρεύς Atreús
Berserk - The Flame Dragon Knight

Berserk Honō Ryū no Kishi

2017 • livre de Makoto Fukami, Kentarō Miura et Takashi Yamashita

Résumé : The Flame Dragon Knight traces the rise of the warhammer-wielding warrior Grunbeld from humble beginnings to become the all-powerful Apostle who will one day face Guts in mortal combat! Featuring all the grisly supernatural action and sinister courtly intrigue Berserk readers have come to expect.


a attribué 7/10 au livre

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Berserk - The Flame Dragon Knight

Berserk Honō Ryū no Kishi

2017 • livre de Makoto Fukami, Kentarō Miura et Takashi Yamashita

Résumé : The Flame Dragon Knight traces the rise of the warhammer-wielding warrior Grunbeld from humble beginnings to become the all-powerful Apostle who will one day face Guts in mortal combat! Featuring all the grisly supernatural action and sinister courtly intrigue Berserk readers have come to expect.