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Fiche technique

Auteur :

John Steinbeck
Genre : RomanDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 1945Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

Penguin Books
Aussi connu sous le nom de : Rue de la Sardine

Résumé : In the chaos of Cannery Row a collection of misfits - gamblers, whores, drunks, bums and artists - live side by side. There is Dora, of the flaming orange hair, who runs the brothel with clockwork efficiency; Mack and his gang of good-natured losers, who inhabit the Palace Flophouse; Lee Chong, astute owner of the flophouse and of the fatastically well-stocked local store; Henri, the terrified painter; and Doc, the source of all wisdom and generosity in this marginalized community. Packed with adventure, mischief and the tough stuff of real life, Cannery Row is a high-spirited tribute to Steinbeck's native California.