L'actualité sur CCRU : Writings 1997-2003

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a attribué 7/10 au livre

CCRU : Writings 1997-2003

2015 • livre de CCRU

Résumé : This first comprehensive collection of utterances from the Ccru-entity to appear in book form tracks the incursion of Lemurian signal, from the period immediately before the Apocalypse of the Numogram, to the fall-out from calendric Zero-Event at the turn of the new Millennium. Contents include Cthulhu Club and Cybergothic commentary, a multitude of hyperstitional portraits, theory-fiction diagonals, Mu ethnography, a detailed elaboration of the Pandemonium system, The Book of Paths, Axsys-AOE exposures, and more.


a attribué 9/10 au livre

CCRU : Writings 1997-2003

2015 • livre de CCRU

Résumé : This first comprehensive collection of utterances from the Ccru-entity to appear in book form tracks the incursion of Lemurian signal, from the period immediately before the Apocalypse of the Numogram, to the fall-out from calendric Zero-Event at the turn of the new Millennium. Contents include Cthulhu Club and Cybergothic commentary, a multitude of hyperstitional portraits, theory-fiction diagonals, Mu ethnography, a detailed elaboration of the Pandemonium system, The Book of Paths, Axsys-AOE exposures, and more.


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, lui a attribué 10/10 et le lit actuellement

CCRU : Writings 1997-2003

2015 • livre de CCRU

Résumé : This first comprehensive collection of utterances from the Ccru-entity to appear in book form tracks the incursion of Lemurian signal, from the period immediately before the Apocalypse of the Numogram, to the fall-out from calendric Zero-Event at the turn of the new Millennium. Contents include Cthulhu Club and Cybergothic commentary, a multitude of hyperstitional portraits, theory-fiction diagonals, Mu ethnography, a detailed elaboration of the Pandemonium system, The Book of Paths, Axsys-AOE exposures, and more.