
livre de Veronica Roth (2011)

First of all, I think this idea of factions divided into what makes us human is an odd but interesting way of putting a story together.
True, Beatrice is the main character who doesn’t understand why she is different and must seem “normal” but she is more than someone who wants action in her life and needs to get stronger by the day. What I mean by that is that we all see a small part of ourselves in Beatrice. For some she’s completely annoying and for others she is a role model. Your choice to decide which part of hers you can relate to.

Écrit par


le 16 juil. 2019

Critique lue 55 fois

Critique lue 55 fois

D'autres avis sur Divergent


Critique de Divergent par Lolojk

Ce livre est géniale !! J'ai adoré ! Il y a tout le temps de l'action, de l'amour, de l'amitié, des personnages attachants, etc. Bref, on ne s'ennuie pas du tout ! Le livre m'a beaucoup fait penser...

le 27 août 2018

Du même critique


Interesting concept

First of all, I think this idea of factions divided into what makes us human is an odd but interesting way of putting a story together. True, Beatrice is the main character who doesn’t understand...

le 16 juil. 2019

Bohemian Rhapsody

De la magie inattendue

Je ne ressentais ni de l’excitation ni de la curiosité (à première vue) à l’idée de visionner ce film. C’est alors que j’ai décidé récemment de laisser une chance à cette œuvre réalisée avec...

le 16 juil. 2019

Petits coups montés

The kind of movie you watch on a sleepover

Makes me smile every single time I watch it. Sure, it has a -kinda- cliché theme to it BUT the concept is all right . The “Cyrano” term, often used here is what made me think a lot : their bosses...

le 16 juil. 2019