Fiche technique

Auteur :

Mistress Black Rose
Genres : Romance, LGBTQ+Date de publication (pays d'origine) : 6 novembre 2019Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

Black Rose Media Arts LLC

Résumé : As a manager at Avery's Marketing Agency, Quinn is killing herself to make CMO – a promotion she's been gunning towards for years. Just when it seems like she's almost there, she nearly has a nervous break-down from the stress. She's got to figure out a way to blow off steam, or everything she's worked for will unravel. Quinn starts to wonder how her beautiful coworker Estelle deals with the same work stress and simultaneously keeps it all together. The answer surprises Quinn, and she soon finds herself in the D/s Lifestyle of BDSM. As one of Mistress Jade's subs, Quinn realizes that handing the reins of power over to someone else for a change feels amazing! With each session, Quinn's iron walls start to crumble. As the relationship between Mistress Jade and Quinn heats up, Quinn agonizes as to whether she should pursue uncovering Jade's hidden identity. She's handling work better, entertaining ideas of relationships she never would have thought possible, and finally finding balance in her life. If she tries to find out who Jade is, it might rock the boat and cause things to change. Figuring out who Mistress Jade is, suddenly takes a backseat, as Quinn is thrust into a dilemma of epic proportions. She'll have to choose between love and life, or her career. It will be the hardest decision she's ever had to make, and if she doesn't choose right, it could cost her everything she's built up for herself, including her beloved Mistress Jade.