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a attribué 8/10 au livre


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself


a attribué 9/10 au livre


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself


a envie de lire le livre


a envie de lire le livre


a attribué 8/10 au livre


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself

Alexandre Escat

a envie de lire le livre


a attribué 9/10 au livre


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself


a recommandé le livre


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself


a attribué 8/10 au livre

et l'a ajouté à sa liste

livres lus en 2024


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself


a attribué 7/10 au livre


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself

Naomi Titti

a recommandé le livre


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself

Anastasia Dereppe

a envie de lire le livre


a envie de lire le livre


a attribué 7/10 au livre


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself


a envie de lire le livre


a attribué 8/10 au livre


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself

Maëva F. Bonnaudet

a attribué 9/10 au livre


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself

Nora Bertholomé

a attribué 8/10 au livre


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself


a attribué 10/10 au livre


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself


a envie de lire le livre


a envie de lire le livre

Janie Crespin

a attribué 8/10 au livre


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself


a recommandé le livre

et lui a attribué 9/10


Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

2017 • livre de Roxane Gay

Résumé : From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself

Sick Girl

a envie de lire le livre


a attribué 6/10 au livre