Fiche technique

Auteur :

Catherine Lacey
Genres : Roman, Version originaleDate de publication (États-Unis) : 1 juillet 2020

Résumé : In a small unnamed town in the American South, a church congregation arrives to a service and finds a figure asleep on a pew. The person is genderless, racially ambiguous, and refuses to speak. One family takes the strange visitor in and nicknames them Pew. The earnest and seemingly well-meaning townspeople see conflicting identities in Pew, and many confess their fears and secrets to them in one-sided conversations. As days pass, the void around Pew’s presence begins to unnerve the community, whose generosity erodes into menace and suspicion. Yet by the time Pew’s story reaches a shattering and unsettling climax, the secret of their true nature—as a devil or an angel or something else entirely—is dwarfed by even larger truths.