Fiche technique

Auteur :

Lois Shearing
Genres : Essai, Politique & économieDate de publication (Royaume-Uni) : 18 février 2025Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

Manchester University Press
ISBN : 9781526170699

Résumé : As the far right has gained popularity and acceptance around the world, its ranks have swelled with an unlikely category of members : women. Women play significant roles in far-right movements, acting as propagandists, prizes to be won and mother-warriors of the nation. But up to now their activities have been largely overlooked. In Pink-pilled, journalist Lois Shearing interviews leading experts and infiltrates communities of tradwives and femtrolls to provide a cutting-edge account of how the far right uses the internet to recruit women. Shining a light on women’s experiences within these movements, Shearing reveals horrifying examples of misogyny and violence.