Sentinel II: steel couture, Syd Mead, futurist
Fiche technique
Auteur :
Syd MeadGenre : Beau livre & artbookIllustrateur :
Syd MeadDate de publication (pays d'origine) : Langue d'origine : AnglaisParution France : 1987Éditeurs :
Oblagon, KōdanshaISBN : 9784062034524, 9784062034524, 9784062023221Résumé : The volume features many of noted futurist Syd Mead's innovative conceptual designs, vehicles and environments; including reproductions of many of his renowned U.S. Steel "Concepts". Forward Syd Mead is a visualiser of the American Dream, taking the year A.D.2000 as his time and place reference. The cluster-pod housing, computer-guided automobiles, walking trucks, three-dimensional laseramas, space worlds and outrageous scenarios are part of a ubiquitous vocabulary for the future. His design strategy is the only one possible for a visual futurist; he shapes the future in order to predict it. Syd Mead's technical conviction and brilliant illustrative finish lend a sense of purpose and heightened reality to the chrome, steel and glass that form these ideas, whether depicting personal transport ideas, urban invention, or imagined megastructures in outer space. As was the original SENTINEL book, SENTINEL II is a visual encyclopedia of possible fantasies.