Fiche technique

Auteur :

Satoshi Kon
Genres : Beau livre & artbook, Cinéma & télévision

Illustrateurs :

Sandy Tanaka, Satoshi Kon
Date de publication (pays d'origine) : 1 août 2015Langue d'origine : Anglais

Traducteur :

Zack Davisson

Éditeurs :

Dark Horse Manga, Dark Horse Comics

Résumé : Memorialized in Time magazine _ wich called his Paprika one of the twenty-five best animated films _ director Satoshi Kon blazed a brillant career in animation and manga before his tragic death in 2010 at age of forty-six. Now Dark Horse is privileged to remember him and his works through The Art of Satoshi Kon, a beautiful book of Kon's illustrations for his movies Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers, Millenium Actress and Paprika, his television series Paranoia Agent, his unfinished The Dream Machine, his manga, his commercial art, and several of his little-known and incomplete projects...