Fiche technique

Auteurs :

Tanner Colby, Luther Campbell
Genre : BiographieDate de publication (pays d'origine) : 4 août 2015Langue d'origine : AnglaisParution France : 4 août 2015

Éditeur :

ISBN : 9780062336439

Résumé : Luther Campbell, better known as 2 Live Crew’s Uncle Luke, has been a first amendment freedom fighter since his group’s crude anthems like 1986’s ‘Throw the ‘D” caused a record store employee to receive felony charges for selling their album to a 14-year-old and 1989’s ‘Me So Horny’ sent the group to court for obscenity. But 2 Live Crew have always been a standard for judging the art, not the artist, and Campbell’s memoir takes a look at the injustices he and his group faced as musicians and as men.