Fiche technique

Titre original : Der Dibek

Auteurs :

Sholom Ansky, Gilbert W. Gabriel, Chaim Zhitlowsky
Genre : ThéâtreDate de publication (Russie) : 1921Langue d'origine : Yiddish

Traducteurs :

Henry G. Alsberg, Winifred Katzin

Éditeur :

Boni and Liveright

Résumé : Originally titled Tsvishn Tsvey Veltn (“Between Two Worlds”), the play was based on the mystical concept from Ḥasidic Jewish folklore of the dybbuk, a disembodied human spirit that, because of former sins, wanders restlessly until it finds a haven in the body of a living person. (Britannica / Kathleen Kuiper)