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a attribué 7/10 au livre

The Ministry for the Future

2020 • livre de Kim Stanley Robinson

Résumé : The plot primarily follows Mary Murphy, the head of the titular Ministry for the Future, and Frank May, an American aid worker traumatized by experiencing a deadly heat wave in India. Many chapters are devoted to other (mostly anonymous) characters' accounts of future events, as well as their ideas about ecology, economics, and other subjects.


a attribué 9/10 au livre

The Ministry for the Future

2020 • livre de Kim Stanley Robinson

Résumé : The plot primarily follows Mary Murphy, the head of the titular Ministry for the Future, and Frank May, an American aid worker traumatized by experiencing a deadly heat wave in India. Many chapters are devoted to other (mostly anonymous) characters' accounts of future events, as well as their ideas about ecology, economics, and other subjects.

Alex Dlmr

a attribué 7/10 au livre

The Ministry for the Future

2020 • livre de Kim Stanley Robinson

Résumé : The plot primarily follows Mary Murphy, the head of the titular Ministry for the Future, and Frank May, an American aid worker traumatized by experiencing a deadly heat wave in India. Many chapters are devoted to other (mostly anonymous) characters' accounts of future events, as well as their ideas about ecology, economics, and other subjects.