Fiche technique

Auteur :

Farin Powell
Genre : RomanDate de publication (États-Unis) : 13 janvier 2020Langue d'origine : Anglais

Éditeur :

ISBN : 9781532085789

Résumé : After her father’s death, 25-year old Helen Miller needs a fresh start. She finds a job that takes her to Paris. But when her charming new boss, the rich 45-year old Jake Klein, begins dating her, Helen can’t resist falling for him despite the age difference. Shortly after a fairytale wedding, Helen discovers disturbing news about her husband’s past. Feeling homesick, dealing with a difficult pregnancy and her troubled marriage lead Helen to return to DC. She tries to start a new life with Jake and their daughter Daisy, but finds it impossible to ignore Jake’s infidelity. She divorces him not knowing she cannot escape Jake’s manipulative actions. Daisy’s illness and an inexplicable turn of events force Helen to ignore Jake and concentrate only on her daughter’s happiness, not knowing that a new love is waiting for her in an unexpected place.