The Queen of Nothing
Fiche technique
Auteur :
Holly BlackGenres : Roman, Version originaleDate de publication (États-Unis) : 19 novembre 2019Langue d'origine : AnglaisÉditeur :
Little, Brown and CompanyISBN : 9780316310406Groupe :
The Folk of the AirRésumé : After being pronounced Queen of Faerie and then abruptly exiled by the Wicked King Cardan, Jude finds herself unmoored, the queen of nothing. She spends her time with Vivi and Oak, watches her fair share of reality television, and does the odd job or two, including trying to convince a cannibalistic faerie from hunting her own in the mortal world. When her twin sister Taryn shows up asking of a favor, Jude jumps at the chance to return to the Faerie world, even if it means facing Cardan.When a dark curse is unveiled, Jude must become the first mortal Queen of Faerie and uncover how to break the curse, or risk upsetting the balance of the whole Faerie world.